Chapter 6 - Deepest Parts

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I muttered Jasmine's name loud enough for her to hear me. She responded in a serious tone, preparing to use her final card. I told her that I would show her my full power.

I then transmitted a message to my bond, Sylvie, to kill the one who was creating the vines. She responded with enthusiasm, calling me "papa."

In this exchange, I was determined to show Jasmine my full potential. With Sylvie by my side, I was confident that we could take down the enemy. Our bond was strong, and we were ready to face any challenge that came our way.

I softly muttered the words, making sure that Jasmine could hear me. Her response came in a serious tone, as she prepared herself for what was to come. It was time for me to play my final card, and I was determined to show her the extent of my abilities.

With a telepathic connection to my bond, Sylvie, I transmitted my plan to her. We needed to eliminate the source of these vines that were causing havoc. I urged her to join me in this mission, and she responded eagerly, referring to me as "papa." Together, we would take on this challenge and put an end to the chaos that had been unleashed.

As the tension grew, I could feel the weight of the situation. It was time to prove myself and unleash my full power. With Jasmine's attention fixed on me, I knew that this was my moment to shine. I was determined to show her the strength and determination that lay within me. The battle against the one controlling the vines was about to begin, and I was ready to face it head-on.

"Just watch" i announced while Sylvie is still holding the vines of.

Searching through my mana core, i unleashed my draconic will.

[Phase two: Intigrate]

my first phase, Acquire, allowed me to temporarily separate myself from the space and time around me.

In short, i can stop the time around me with the side effect of not being able to affect anything solid.

That phase was limited in many ways because i wasn't an asura. The limited mana i had access to, as well as the physical burden the ability placed on me, restricted what i could actually do when i activated the 'Acquire' phase.

I thought back to the time at the auction house when i had first used the 'Acquire' phase on someone else.

Right now, though, was one of those times when my first phase wouldn't be so useful.

No matter how fast i could react to this tsunami of vines, i wouldn't be able to dodge or escape from it in one piece.

The golden runes ran down my arms and back with a burning sensation.

As the once auburn color of my hair turned a bright luminescent white, swaying from the swirl of energy constantly encompassing me.

As i plummeted towards the air to finally scan the elderwood guardian, it's light blue eyes immediately started at me, well at least it's not red.

Maybe it's not corrupted after all.

"Let's play," i mumbled.



"Let's play"

The world moved around me in slow motion as I leaped, willing wind into the soles of my feet.

I instantly cleared the distance between the elderwood guardian and myself as the storming gale i used to propelled myself left a crater.

[Thunderclap Impulse]

A surge of black lightning coiled around my body as I effortlessly dodged the thousands of vines that shot out at me.

Every vine that the tendrils of black lightning touched instantly disintegrated and withered away, but for every vine that crumbled, dozens replaced it.

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