Chapter 34 - A Business

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//Arthur's POV//

As we bid farewell to the Indrath castle, Windsom and I set off towards dicathen without delay. The convenience of Windsom's teleportation portal made our journey incredibly brief and hassle-free. It was truly a marvel to witness how effortlessly we were transported from one place to another, saving us precious time and energy that would have otherwise been spent on a long and tiring trip.

Of course, I am fully capable of performing the same task at this moment, as I have successfully unlocked the unleashed realmheart, also known as the third phase of Silvia's beast will. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential challenges that may arise from taking such action, especially with Kezess's presence in the equation.




A profound sigh escaped me involuntarily as the sound of my parents' anxious voices and my sister's playful tone reached my ears once again. At that moment, I couldn't help but be reminded of the intricate dynamics that existed within my family. The blend of worry and innocence, of concern and joy, created a unique atmosphere that was both comforting and overwhelming. It was a reminder of the deep connections we shared, but also of the challenges we faced together.

Of course, the connection between me and my original family is still more significant, and i'm still determined to return to earth. But there's nothing that i can do until i learn more about aether.

"Hey guys, i'm back"

My family ran and gave me a tight embrace.

'shesh, why do i need to deal with this every time i return, guess i'll just keep on acting like usual' i chuckled to myself.

"Why are you laughing?! We didn't made any contact for 2 years!" My mom exclaimed.

"..I apologize, i laughed at the fact that you guys always seem to want to render me breathless, since you're.. hugging me tightly as hell."

"Ah shit, sorry son"

"Watch your mouths!" Alice screamed to both me and Reynolds.

"Ehem." Windsom's fake cough caught our attention as we locked eyes. "I believe i have already achieve my purpose, i shall take my leave Arthur."

"Yes, i guess i'll see you in two months, Windsom"


(To that one guy who always comments about my incorrect grammars specifically when i use wrong pronouns like 'him' instead of 'her', just chill already i don't double check anymore unlike in the past.)

anyways.. let's fast forward.


"Sorry sorry.. so.. how are you guys doing?" The sight of my sister holding Sylvie in her arms prompted me to alter the direction of our conversation. Recognizing the significance of their bond, I gracefully steered our discussion towards a different topic, allowing their connection to flourish undisturbed.

"We've missed you so much"


"Of course, i missed you guys also" I replied, even though it felt awkward.

"How is everyone in the twin horns doing?" I inquired, locking eyes with Reynolds.

"They're doing excellent, thanks to Jasmine's presence. I heard other guilds tried to recruit and steal her from the party. But of course, they didn't succeed in the end."

Beaming with satisfaction, my biological Father joyfully proclaimed that a distinguished adventurer, holding a prominent position, had opted to stay affiliated with the guild he had established, clearly showcasing his pride.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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