Chapter 7 - Big Cat

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There have been cases in which the big cats including the tigers, have been able to reach higher ranks beyond A-class, which is far superior than world lions.

But i have never heard of any incident in which a big cat was able to reach the S-class!

So the reason why this beast was able to get near me without being detected is his wind attribute? It's not even a shadow panther like virion's beast will!

I once again gritted my teeth as i activated the second phase of my beast will. This tiger is probably one of the most superior breeds of big cats out there, so there's no reason for me to hold back.

"Sylvie get away from him!" I order while dashing towards them

"Bu-" i immediately cut him off by saying

"Just do it! I'll deal with this one!"

We still need sylvie to carry us when going back to the safe areas in the glades.

'I can't let him get injured here, i had defeated an S-class mana beast before, and i'll do it again.'

The world changed colors and i saw the four elemental mana attributes throughout the entire surroundings. My hair turned luminescent white and complex golden markings enveloped my body.

"Please sylv, we need you to take us out of here once this battle is over" i said in which she finally complied.

"Just be careful papa.."

"Yeah i know"

I dashed at the large cat and activated thunderclap impulse. I blocked the wind blades that are aimed at sylvie by releasing a blast of black lightning.

Lighting made every hair in my body stand as i delivered a blow at the beast's jaws with my fist that was claded with white fire.

The tiger got sent stumbling backwards away as i bombarded him with black lightning.

Withdrawing dawn's balad out of my dimensional ring, i activated static void.

I dashed forward with my blade, aiming to cut the tiger's head. After deactivating static void, i managed to create a shallow wound at the tiger's neck.

We kept exchanging blows after blows until i felt the strain of using my beast will. However, even if that was the case, i still managed to stab the tiger in his stomach.

The tiger vomited a mouthful of blood as it stumbled backwards once again, now with more pain evident in his eyes.

Loud gurgles can be heard as the big cat kept vomiting blood.

"I'm sorry but.. i can only give you a quick death" i mumbled staring at the wounded beast. I let all my pressure out.

The once tall and intimidating tiger that was almost twice the size of sylvie now wears the emotion of fear. He tried backing away but to no avail.

I decided to end
His suffering by stabbing his head which killed him.

After the fight ended, i deactivated phase two and immediately slumped down on the ground panting heavily.



I saw sylvie as well as an injured jasmine ran towards me while i was laying on the ground filled with grass.

"I'm... Going to be fine" i managed to mumble.

Facing jasmine, i requested his help.

"Jasmine.. there are two healing elixirs in my ring.." i continued while heavily panting.

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