Chapter 1 - Grey's Memories

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Arthur's POV:

As I lay in bed, my mind wandered to the world of tbate, and I found myself dreaming about what I would do if I were transported to that universe. I pondered what it would be like if my consciousness were to inhabit Arthur's mind, and whether I would continue to live as he did or choose a different path. I also wondered what it would be like to retain Grey's memories and how that would shape my decisions.

The possibilities seemed endless, and I couldn't help but imagine the different scenarios that could play out. Would I embrace the life of a fighter, or would I choose a different path altogether? The thought of being able to explore this world and experience it firsthand was both exhilarating and daunting.

As I drifted off to sleep, my mind continued to race with possibilities, and I couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited me in the world of tbate. The idea of being able to step into another person's shoes and experience life from their perspective was both exciting and humbling, and I couldn't wait to see where my dreams would take me.

Though, it seems like option two won't likely happen since if i have grey's memories, then that would mean i will have the will of a hard willed sword prodigy.

'I really want to become arthur and take all his future responsibilities and powers, he will only have more break downs if he battles the asuras'. All this thoughts filled my mind as i drifted into sleep.


After waking up, i immediately scanned my surroundings, to my surprise it was not my room, it was boobs and a big one at that. Am i still dreaming or something? No it can't be real, i thought.

"Congratulations Mrs. Leywin and Mr. Leywin, your baby is a healthy boy" a matured voice rang in my ears.

Huh? What did she say? I tried to say the words, but it came out as a hum.

'What's going on? Just a moment ago i was about to sleep in my bed, but then here i am being held like a baby' i thought to myself.

As I lifted my supposedly right hand, I was taken aback when I saw the hands of a baby. A wave of confusion washed over me as I questioned whether this tiny hand belonged to me. I stretched my puny little hand, trying to make sense of the situation.

The reality of the situation seemed to blur as I pondered whether this was all just a dream. The surrealness of it all made me question my own perception. Was I truly experiencing this or was it all a figment of my imagination? The uncertainty lingered in my mind as I searched for answers.

My gaze fell upon a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Alice Leywin, Arthur's mother. The mere thought of her presence sent shockwaves through me. It couldn't be possible, I reasoned. It must be a mere illusion conjured by my subconscious. However, my doubts were further shattered when a man, whom I assumed to be Reynolds, enveloped me in his muscular arms. His voice resonated with a sense of familiarity, leaving me even more bewildered.

"Hello little art! Can you say papa?" He asked, this is like in the manhwa, i thought.

"Reynolds! He's born just a few seconds ago! He cannot speak yet!" Alice scolded Reynolds. This looks familiar, well the graphics definitely changed since Tbate was adapted as a webtoon while this looks like real life.

The only reason why i recognized alice and reynolds is because of their hair and eye colors. Alice having brown eyes and auburn hair, while Reynolds has brown hair and azure eyes.

Alice is a beauty, that might have been caused by my half blurry eyes. Rather than a glamorous beauty, i would better describe her as lovely, in a very kind and gentle sense.

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