Chapter 23 - Confusion

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[Second phase: Integrate]

Realmheart once again changed my features. Conjuring golden runes on my face and body, changing my hair and eye colors.

"Wind gale!" I loudly chanted, swinging my dawn's ballad horizontally just like the way the compressed water was launched.

The two forces clashed, and unfortunately, my attack didn't completely manage to stop the water which turns out to have sharp ice in them.

"Arthu-" jasmine's voice stopped as even after i successfully stopped the water, the pushing force knocked us from the ground. Some of the ice shards graced my body, leaving shallow wounds that did nothing but made me growl due to the shear numbers of shards.

'shit, it's really another SS-class'

Despite the fact that i was nervous, i still managed to recompose myself before analyzing the current state of my companions.

I first looked at sylvie who was heaving pained breaths behind me before releasing a mana blast directed at the silhouette, which now revealed it's appearance.

Our eyes was filled with horror.

Five branches that looks like spiky horns sprouted from the top of his head. His eyes glowing with sky, almost snowy color peered down at us. The tree elemental creature has a neck which is comparable with an over weight person, the wood that made up mostly of his body was pale gray like bones littered with cracks.

'and those glowing leaves, it's unusually shaped unlike any other leaves i've seen so far. I have to watch out for those, they might be used as a form of projectile attack' i mentally noted, looking at the foot-long leaves that seems sharper than dawn's ballad.

"This is very dangerous.." i heard jasmine's voice as i continued scanning the mana beast.

Glancing down slightly, my focus was directed on the monstrosity's lower body.


I muttered internally, looking at the thick light gray roots that acted as the mana beast's legs, i was buffled. Its roots were encased by water that was moving like a living slime, the ice shards were also visible inside those clusters of clinging water. I gritted my teeth, looking at the liquids in his lower body which was beginning to shape into another attack.

"Let's go!"

I motioned, as all three of us dashed forward and prepared our own attack. But we're slow, unlike the last time, there are now tens of pressurized water arcs coming at our way.

'damn it! Absolute zero won't work on this one! It's a freaking tree that possess both the plant and ice deviant!'

But another realization hit my mind, unlike the first SS-class golem that i faced, i was now at the solid silver, which would mean that i would have it much easier the second time i face another SS-class. But it doesn't even feel like fighting an SS-class became easier.

So.. the golem is not really a true SS-class, however.. this one is the real deal.


Clading my sword with black lightning, i swung with my full power, but it barely protected all three of us from the barrage of water slash.

As my sight recovered, i met the monstrosity's cold gaze.

'i don't think i'll be lucky unlike the first time i've faced an SS-class' i thought, making myself tense even more. I relaxed for a bit, then condensed a bolt of lightning at my fight hand.

[Thunder bolt]

A loud bang was heard as the lighting made it's way towards the ice variant elderwood. The beast blocked with its vines, but the realmheart powered black lightning left a noticeable scar which was the largely scorched vines.

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