Chapter 16 - Play

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Arthur's pov:

The party eventually came to an end after the bell rang for midnight, making it officially my sister's birthday.

After more dancing, eating, drinking, and present-giving, the guests slowly started leaving, allowing the maids to finally start cleaning the ballroom.

My parents gave my sister a pair of beautiful hair ties with ornamental bells that were silver on first glance but reflected a glimmering array of colors underneath the light. My sister excitedly asked my mother to tie her hair for her into twin ponytails.

Despite the success of the party, my sister had been pretty disappointed that the Twin Horns couldn't make it to her birthday since they were currently in a dungeon.

However, she got over it once i told them that i will give him my birthday gift after all the staff leaves.

"So! Big Brother, why did you made me wait just for a gift handi-"

"How rude, i made you wait because people will be invious of my gift to you and might try to take it for themselves."

I cut her off with a face that shows my irritation.

"Umm!.. sorry.." she apologized while bowing his head, my parents could only sigh at my interpretation.

"Anyway, i would like to tell you that the gift that I will give you will not benefit you just yet for now."

"Hmm? What do you mean brother?" She asked, confusion imbedded in their faces.

I withdrewed a core from my dimensional ring.

"This, this is my gift to you my beloved sister, this is a S-class beast core"

Silence roamed the large room, and everyone's eyes widened.

"Da-da-da-the fuck?!?!"

"Hey! Language!" I glared at elijah who was too shocked and accidentally cursed.

"But arthur!.. isn't that to much?! I mean she's not even a mage yet?" My father inquired, which i am definitely pleased to answer.

"She hasn't wakened yet, i suppected that elie will awaken when she turned ten guys"

This made them raised their brows.

I merely sighed in response.

"Keep it elie, this will give you enough mana to skip into the light red stage once you awaken as a mage"

"Bu-but brother.. isn't this a bit too much?" My sister asked hesitantly, i know by the fact that she's still looking at the core that she wants to keep it.

I find this night, time consuming at the very least. But despite my impatience, i had to go with my plan.

"That's okay, i still have four S-class remaining beast cores and a lot of AA-class ones"

I replied, not wanting them to know that i have one SS-class beast core.

"God heavens, arthur! That's a god damn heck of a gift!" Uncle Vincent shouted.


Dad and mom said in unison while elijah just covered his face with his palm.

"Haha i know and elie, i just want to tell you that you have to work more harder into developing your core.

"You and lilia both started developing your cores at the same time.. but due to the fact that you're not giving your all, you still needed more than two years to awaken."

I spat with a bit of sourness in my voice, but not my face.


my mother could only pity my sister as silence grew once again.

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