Chapter 25 - Thick Root

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Author: Sorry for taking so long in updating this fanfic. I've been dealing with family problems all along and we resently moved houses, that's the only excuse i can give you.


"Ahem! My name is Roland Alderman and I am a water attribute augmenter! My hobbies are relaxing, shopping, going on dates with pretty girls and..."

"No one asked for your hobbies," Clive interrupted while massaging the bridge of his nose in irritation.

"Well someone's a little grumpy. Anywho... My strength is in mid-range fighting, using a water whip skill that was passed down from my family. My weakness is close-range combat. Next!" he finished, tossing the imaginary baton to me, who was sitting to his left.

"Arthur Leywin. I'm a wind and earth attribute augmenter. I'm adept at all ranges but prefer mid-to-close," I stated simply, looking directly at Lucas who was across from me.

"Clive Graves. Wind attribute augmenter specializing in long-distance fighting with a bow. I don't really have a weakne-" i interrupted with a laugh.

"I believe all of us already know that you're lying just so you could make yourself appear less weaker than you really are, noble weakling?" I could feel the low amount of bloodlust coming out of the vice-pres, making me chuckle.

But before words came out of his now opened mouth, lucas interrupted.

"Lucas Wykes. I am a conjurer with a single specialization in fire. As for strengths and weaknesses, let's not bother going over that." Rolling his eyes, he just leaned back as he sat cross-legged.

Sensing the hostility in the air, I noticed Tess looking a little uncomfortable. "Tessia Eralith. I am a conjurer with a dual specialization in wood and wind. My strong suits are middle-to-close-range fighting..." Letting her voice trail off, our group became silent, as we all knew what the next topic would be.

"I vote for Tessia as the leader! She's the only girl and is pretty, so I like that. We can even name our team the Queen and Knights!" Roland had this sparkle in his eyes as his mind wandered off into his own little fantasy land.

"I also think that Princess Tessia should be the leader, ahem... not for the same reason of course, not saying that she isn't pretty but I mean... Since she is the Student Council President." Clive ended up looking down as he mumbled, his flushed cheeks looking unnatural on his serious face.

"Wait I don't want to be the leader! How about Art...thur? Arthur Leywin," she voiced, shaking her hands in defense.

"I also think that Tessia should be the leader." I raised my hand up as everyone ignored her comment. I didn't mind just as long as Lucas wasn't the one leading.

"Sure, like i care." Lucas just rolled his eyes once more before we all got up.

While smiling, i commented. "Huh, i expected you to elect yourself. Guess i was wrong."



After all the preparations or getting to know each outher sessions, all of us headed toward the cave opening with professor Glory. Just like that, everything flowed the same, confusion clamped everyone's brains due to unpredicted circumstances involving the snarlers.

Of course, i had conserved my strength and used only at least one fifth (1/5) of my power. Even though it was small, it's still stronger than my light yellow core version.

Hundreds of snurlers attacked in all directions, we took care of all of them, then came the two snurler queens, you know the next.

The defeat of one of the queens dramatically boosted the morale of the class as each of the students' renewed vigor allowed us to fight back harder against the snarlers that seemed to generate spontaneously.

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