7: Paradise

108 4 3

Calum Hood

I just stood there. Frozen in my spot. The cold air hitting my face as I watched the angel of my life run away from me.

She's not an average fangirl. She have as much merch she could afford, naming that she's rich, she could even buy me a bunch of puppies to take care of. But, there's this something I couldn't hold on to. Ally has that sense of being that, she can withstand for a long time. She has this courage that not all human beings have. She is definitely a girl, every man in the whole Los Angeles state would want.

I headed to out hotel as media passed by me and I just ignored the shit out of them. Ally is always on my mind. I could sense myself kissing her, and the way she kissed me back gave me the passion to love again. Not after my first heartbreak.

I found Luke smiling like an idiot at his phone, thinking about the very fact that he and Steph were together for two months now. It's just amazing that this dork is finally happy to a girl.

"Aye, mate." I stuffled, making him smile like a shit pile of vegemite again. "Having a good conversation with Steph right now, huh?" I stated. Luke nodded. "Why can't you ask Ally out? Since we're in her flat you can't take your eyes out of her." That question hit me right then and there.

I'm a shit about love. I can't stay to whomever girl I could lurk on too. Until Ally came. She overpowers all simple things in the room. In a little movement she'll do, all things will transform into a big, peaceful paradise.

And I remembered the kiss again. Why did she ran away? Why did she looked so scared when she kissed me? Did I have something she doesn't want? Did she saw something bad about me?

I'm confused. Is this the game everyone called, love? Is this some kind if shit that I need to conquer?

I'm sorry. Allyssa Moriones, you need to patch things up with me. I'm willing to get you. Watch me, you won't regret anything.

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