31: Rain

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Allyssa Moriones

I was woken up by Steph's loud singing in the shower. I admit, she's really a good singer. Sometimes she really does have the best confidence to show it. Her concert ground? The shower.

I rubbed my eyes and searched for my phone. It was 9:00 in the morning. I had a good sleep, which includes cuddling all night with Calum. I slowly drifted away from Calum's hands but before I could stand up, he grabbed it. He's already awake. "Good morning, beautiful." He said, his husky voice and smile that I fell inlove with. God, he's such an epitome of fucking beauty.

"You're awake already. It's still early, go back to sleep." I patted and ruined his hair. He still managed to look hot and cute whenever I did that thing to him. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked me. "I'm going to make breakfast for the kings and queens Hood. I won't go anywhere, I promise." I laughed.

Calum pouted and finally let go of my hand. "I'm gonna miss you, baby!" He shouted. I was at the kitchen back then. "Calum, shh! Fiona and Michael are still sleeping and Luke is snoring still to shut up!" I whispered to him but in a shouting manner. He laughed at what I said to him.

I cooked pancakes, bacon and egg for all of us. It was such a long time since I did this. I surely missed it, and thank God I will make this for the people I love and care about the most.

Just as I was about to put water on the pot, I felt cold hands drape around my waist. Again, it was my very cuddly and very cute (That's what he wants me to say all the time at least.) boyfriend Calum who just finished doing his bathroom thingy. He nuzzles his head on my shoulder and left sloppy kisses on my neck. I giggled at what he did. "Awe, the puppy being cute and sweet to me, eh?" I looked at him, he was so angelic and the way his hair sticks out of place? God, he is so handsome and so, ugh. I ran out of words.

Calum parted his lips, starting to speak. "I already miss my teddy bear." He said with a pout. I groaned. "Did you just call me a teddy bear? God, Calum! You're such a dork." I laughed. Calum pulled away from hugging me from the back and he leaned towards the counter. "But, I'm your dork." He plastered a smirk on his face. I can see at the corner of my eye that he was staring at the left-over pancake mix at the side. This will get a lot of cleaning to do. "Calum, don't you dare put that on m-" Before I could finish my sentence, he dipped his finger on it and put it on my face. "Oh, fuck! Calum!" I giggled and joined him in his pancake-mix-on-the-face war. Our laughter echoing the walls and we were running all around the kitchen like ten-year olds. Ahhhh, I love this things. It's like it's been three years and then here I am, with the man I love.

We were cut off by a cough coming downstairs. It was Ashton and Michael. "Oops, sorry about the mess Mikey. Calum started it!" I giggled and pouted at Calum. Michael laughed. "You look like ten-year olds running around the house playing with the pancake mix. You are total lovebirds." Michael exclaimed, making Ashton laugh at us, too. "Yeah. I just hope Calum doesn't hurt Ally. Or else, I have one job." Ashton said. Calum scoffed and scooted around me. "I will never hurt her. Besides, we will stay strong for you guys." He smiled.

After that talk, we called everyone to get ready and eat breakfast. We all ate with smiles on our faces.

Circle of friends, more of like a new family to me. They made me happy for good. This is what I need. Company.


I never thought that love could be this magical. I never thought that loving a person you met for the first time and the person that made you happy is right here. Telling you sweet things and everything.

I sat down beside Calum who is already staring at me with his sad eyes. I became curious, and I didn't hesitate to hold his hand. I smiled at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He squeezed my hand like there's no tomorrow but he still became gentle about it.

"I need to tell you something." Calum said. I started getting nervous because of his tone.

"Tell it to me, babe. I won't get mad."

"I need to go back to Australia. For three years."


After months of being together, one will go away. What is this? A lame ass joke that has been kept for so long? Why do I need to suffer things like this? I don't want Calum to leave at the first place. He was my life. He saved me when no one intended to. But, now. I will face another life without him.

I went out of Michael's house and suddenly, the rain started pouring hard and enough for me to cry even more.

Suddenly, warm hands was wrapped around my waist. It was him.

"I don't want you to leave." I said between my sobs. "I will miss you so bad, baby." I muffled.

"I need to, Ally. My parents need me because of my dad's heart problem." He let out light sobs. I didn't know what to feel. I was also in pain.

"I understand. Maybe, three years would be long but, you need to go there. Maybe, if I go with you your father's heart problem would increase. I don't want that to happen." I said, patting his back.

I can't see Calum crying. He was my life. I love him. Seeing him like this makes me realize that he needs to go and make things right.

I helped him pack his bags. Silence was occured in his room. Neither of us never broke the silence. I saw his family picture. A small smile instantly lit up in my face. He was a good guy. Calum loved his family so much. His family is a picture of a true and happy life.

After all the packings that we've done. We decided to stroll on the nearby park one last time, before he leaves.

"This one's your favorite place?" Calum asked. "Yeah. It's one of my safe place, too." I smiled. I can feel tears welling up in the corner of my eye. I rubbed it gently.

"Maybe, I can consider this as my safe place too?" He asked, smiling at me. I nodded. "I'm really going to miss you, Ally. It's hard to wake up not seeing your face. It's hard not to see your pretty smile. Three years. God, that's too long." He calmly said. He cupped my face and placed our foreheads together.

It started to rain. We both looked up in the sky and after that, his lips crashed into mine. Our kiss was passionate. It was like a kiss, I'll always long to reach for. He was gentle and caring. Right now, I'm already starting to miss him.

"Don't forget about me, okay?" I said as we pulled away from the kiss. "We still have Skype and all. I will surely miss my dork." I stroked his hair. God, he is so beautiful. I always admire him for who he is.

We stood up from where we are. We walked back to his car, which is about to go. I hugged him one last time. A hug that lasted for minutes. I will miss him. So much.

"So," I breathed and gave him a sad smile. "I bet this is goodbye for now?" I said like a question.

"It's not goodbye, my love." He said.

"Why not?"

"I'll see you again, and I will come back for you."

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