Chapter one: "Deliver Us to the Promise Land"

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         Izidora watched her father get ready to go work. Izidora and her father would always got up early in the morning before sun rise.The young girl would make her father breakfast to eat before he went out. Her mother was sick with Influenza, and it was hard to get something to help her live with the sickness. Too bad slaves don't get paid.

        The only way of income was by walking around the town and selling old things or going around and asking people for any labor Izidora could do with a good pay. Of course, a way to make money was hard for the young Hebrew. Every night and every day Izidora would pray for a miracle. Something to help her mother's illness. A new adventure to live for.

        She wanted the experience, tired of living the same life every single day. She knew deep down the Lord must have something more important in store for her, other than living like this. Izidora packed her pouch, as she strapped it around her shoulder and was about to walk out the door to look for some good paying work when her mother stopped her.

      "Izidora dear, don't go too far and don't go anywhere near Pharoah and his people. Understood?" Her mother said between coughs. "Yes, mother." Izidora responded as she then made her way through the town. Sometimes Izidora would fantasize of what it would be like to rule a kingdom. She wouldn't rule it with slaves. She would have equal paying jobs for everyone and every gender.

         She would do her best to spread peace throughout the world. Izidora was always wondering off in her mind. Thinking and daydreaming.  She got caught in her thoughts as she then bumped into one of the guards. "Ouch!" She whispered to herself as the big, huge man towered over her.

        He gripped the whip tightly within his hand. "Get out of here you runt! Scram! Go on unless you want a beating of a lifetime!" He shouted at the young girl. Izidora's heart raced as well as her mind. Her mind told her "Run before he makes your father work more hours again!" But her legs, they just wouldn't move. The guard was surprised that the Hebrew did not listen or move.

       He began to become angry as he grabbed Izidora's wrist so tight it almost began to sting. The man began to drag her up a large path of sand that led in the direction of the palace. The frightened girl looked around as she began to hear the slaves sing praises. she looked around for her father but could not find him.

      There were women sculpting sculptures. Men covered in dirt and bruised as their bare backs showed the ages of scars scattered all over their skin. Izidora turned her head to the right as she saw a guard yelling at a woman and slapping her, causing Izidora to gasp in fear. She was only twelve and was already starting to get worried for her mother.

Guards whipping the slaves as they screamed "Faster" over and over again. That's when she began to hear the Hebrews sing....

"With the sting of the whip on my shoulder

With the salt of my sweat on my brow

Elohim, God on high, can you hear your people cry?

Help us now

This dark hour

Deliver us, hear our call, deliver us

Lord of all, remember us here in this burning sand

Deliver us

There's a land You promised us

Deliver us to the Promised Land ..."

        They sang with their hearts as they worked in sorrow. It broke Izidora's heart. Before she knew it, she was being brought to out of all people, Queen Tuya. Another gasp escaped her mouth as she was so surprised. The beautiful woman was standing next to her husband King Seti as they were discussing plans for new buildings and new temples.

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