Chapter Twenty Six: "I love you"

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He wrapped is arms around Izidora. He rubbed his hands anywhere that she would allow him too. Rameses found it so strange how with anyone else he felt powerful above them but when it came to Izidora, he was the one on his knees.

They stayed like that for a while until Izidora broke their kiss and said, "would if someone finds out?"

Rameses looked at her in the eyes. He hummed as his eyes traced down to her lips. He slowly leaned in and kissed her softly as he placed his body on top of hers. He broke the kiss and replied "I don't care."

After that, he immediately began to lay small kisses on her neck and any places he could get to. Usually he wanted women to please him but he wanted to please Izidora. He didn't care what the others would say or what they would think nor did he care for Allani.

Izidora was so small compared to Rameses. Which had already intimidated her to begin with. But when he would look up at her with the sharpest eyes, it sent shivers down her spine. Izidora could tell that this time wasn't like the other times in the bedroom they used to have.

This was going to be more intimate. He moved slower and more passionate as he kissed up her legs and arms. The way he gently traced everywhere on her body with his hands. The very short top Izidora had on, had been torn off along with her bottoms.

At the moment Rameses could not hold back. Izidora looked like a complete meal to him and he was ready. He stepped off the bed to admire he body, as he placed his hands on the railing of their canopy bed that connected the curtains, showing how muscular he was.

The turned on yet intimidated izidora bit her lip in anticipation. Rameses's stare was so intense it felt like she was his prey. He crawled up on the bed slowly as he balanced himself up with his knees on the bed infront of her. Izidora's legs were crossed while she laid on her bad, so Rameses slowly uncrossed them.

His eyes widened for a second at how beautiful her body was. He thought this was a dream for a moment. He finally looked up at Izidora. She could tell what he wanted, just by the look of his eyes. She nodded her head as he slowly lowered himself down to her lower region.

He looked up at her and kept eye contact as he began to perform oral sex on her. She whined and moaned, gripping the pillows and sheets every time he would hit her spot. He showed that he really did not care if anyone else heard them, for every time Izidora would try to hide her sounds he would stop, grab her by the face and tell her "keep going..."

She would obey as he would continue, eventually leading to her climax. Meanwhile Allani had finished dinner all by herself, wondering where her husband could be. She figured he must have been tired from today when she realized she didn't see Izidora go to bed either.

She decided to look in Izidora's chamber and she was surprised to find out Izidora wasn't there. While just on the floor above her in the palace, in the royal bedroom down the hall, Rameses had just began making love to Izidora like never before. Again he showed that he didn't care as he did not hold back with his sounds or let Izidora hold back with hers.

Below them Allani heard bed rocking sounds and faint noises which she figured to be moaning and groaning. She rushed past the guards and maids in the hallway to the top floor of the palace. When she got to Rameses bedroom door she placed her ear up against the door.

Confirming what she believed, she burst the door open. Her eyes widened with a slight
Gasp as she saw Izidora and Rameses in bed together as Rameses did not stop. God how Rameses loved this woman, he wanted no one else.

Allani could not stop watching as much as she wanted to. She wanted to run over to the bed and knock Izidora over but she knew she could not do that. Rameses completely ignored Allani, not paying her any mind as he knew she would leave and so she did.

Izidora felt somewhat bad for Allani but Rameses had not one ounce of regret. He was the king after all. The morning and the evening star and what ever he says goes. He showed this thought process as he continued to please Izidora non stop even though they were already caught by Allani.

Izidora sat up as Rameses began to walk into the bathroom to clean himself.

Izidora followed him and asked "why didn't you stop?" Rameses chuckled in response and said "what are you talking about?"
" I will be pregnant with your child." Izidora responded worried. "That was the point Izi." He said chuckling once more.

"And if I'm not ready?" Izidora questioned. Rameses turned around and kissed Izidora passionately, almost making her forget what her point was. "It will be okay. Don't worry." Rameses responded as he walked her to the bath. They both sat in the tub as Rameses began to clean Izidora.

Izidora hesitated to speak but decided to get to her next point. "Why didn't you stop when Allani walked in?" Izidora asked. "Why would I?" He responded, which took Izidora by surprised. "Well...because she's the Queen." Izidora responded. Rameses stopped cleaning Izidora and gave her a looked that said "are you serious?"

" Now you care that she is a Queen?" He said getting out of the tub and grabbing two towels. "You didn't seem to care before." He continued and chuckled. Izidora sat there in the tub, not really knowing how to respond. "Rameses.... What will happen? When I have your child?" Izidora asked. "You become my new Queen. Now relax. Take a breather. Isn't this what we have been waiting for?" Rameses stated getting irritated by Izidora's questions.

Izidora stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel from Rameses and nodded. He wrapped his arm around her waist. Pulling her close to him and holding her tight as he kissed her. " I want you to be my Queen." He teasingly whispered in her ear. She blushed and looked away. This is what Izidora always wanted for her and Rameses. She looked up at him and smiled. "I will be your Queen." And with that, they sealed their love with a kiss.

Rameses felt like everything he ever wanted was going they way he finally wanted things to go. He broke the kiss and said "I love you."

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