Chapter Seventeen: "Allani's Seduction"

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Drugged sexual assault;
Sexual assault carried out on a person after the person has become incapacitated under the influence of mind-altering substances

Rameses kisses Izidora once more. A longer, passionate kiss that made Izidora's knees go week as Rameses wrapped his arm around her to keep her steady. Next thing he knew Izidora was moving backwards behind some tall bushes. "Izi? What are you doing-" Rameses asked but was interrupted but Izidora placing a finger on his lips. Shushing him.

Izidora knew that Rameses would be married in the next morning, and she wanted to give him the night of his life before it was too late. She got down on her knees. She pulled on the top of his bottom as his eyes widen. "Are you sure?" He asked concerned. She nodded and explained how she wanted to make this night important to them as he would be married the next morning.

Next thing he knew he could feel the wet cold tongue, of Izidora's mouth. In the middle of Rameses and Izidora's randevu he could hear Allani calling his name.

She called out for him, wondering where he had gone, he covered his mouth as he doesn't want to expose them. He let out a gasp and a somewhat loud noise as him and Izidora finished.

Allani had heard them and began walking over to where they were. Quickly they ran, they ran all the way back to the palace and into Izidora's chambers. Panting from running so fast, they laughed at how funny it was for them to become scared like that. "I'm surprised you did that." Rameses stated in a whisper. "I'm surprised myself." Izidora responded and yawned after. "You are tired, you've had a long day." He spoke.

He sat on Izidora's bed as he grabbed her by her hips and moved her closer to him. He turned her around so her back could face him as he began to pull the ribbons that had kept the top of her dress secure. The dress fell off her body as she could feel the light kisses Rameses placed on her back

He turned her around and grabbed her hand. The one that was cut. He untied the piece of clothing Izidora used to keep pressure on it as he walked out of the room for a moment and came back with a bandage. He took her hand, gently wrapping it as if she was fragile. He kissed her once more as he tucked her into the bed.

He loved this woman so much he wished he could spend the night with her, but he couldn't. Once her head hit the pillow, she instantly fell asleep. Rameses smiled at how beautiful she looked and sounded when sleeping. Leaving the room, he decided to head to his own bed. When he walked into his room, he saw Allani waiting for him with her legs wide open, her eyes telling him, "Please me..." without saying any words.

She was naked as her eyes fluttered in the moon light. "I'm not ready." He spoke up. "But we need to make children." Allani said sitting up. "We have time, we aren't even married yet." Rameses responded. "But we will soon, there's nothing wrong in being prepared." She spoke back. Rameses gave her a look that she never seen before, a look of pure irritation, seriousness, and frustration with a hint of anger.

He sighed in annoyance as he sat at the end of his bed, holding the bridge of his nose to keep his cool. "Who let you in my room?" He asked as he picked up a glass of what he presumed to be wine and drank it. "Your father told me to wait here for you." she responded with a lie. She let herself in the room, the maids actually warned her not to go in, but she wouldn't listen. The maids also noticed Allani carrying a clear wine bottle, but what was in it did not seem to be wine.

She scooted closer to him as she gently traced her fingers around his shoulder and chest, slowly going down his abs and into his bottoms.

His breath hitched as he quickly grabbed her wrist and moved her hands away from his body. He quickly stood up and opened the bedroom door. He pointed at the direction of the door "Get out!" He spat. She stood up. Her large, developed breasts bounced slightly as her hips swayed left and right as she walked towards Rameses.

She was like a seductive serpent, waiting to attack. "You don't want to touch me because of that side woman, right?" She began to say. " I am your fiancé; I should be pleasing you..." She spoke as she stood Infront of him and traced her fingers up his body. Rameses didn't know what to think. He began feeling dizzy all of a sudden. He had no feelings for Allani but what ever he drank from his cup, was drugging him.

"I suppose..." He quietly said as if he didn't know what he was saying. His mind was telling him to say no but his body would not listen. "Then let my job..." She whispered to him seductively as she closed the door and led him back to the bed...

The next morning Rameses woke up to see Allani fast asleep. What had he done? Is all he could think of. He couldn't remember what had happened from the moment Allani seduced him and to the moment she led him into bed. He knew he did something he'd regret but everything was a blur. Why? Why couldn't he remember?

He thought maybe he was falling ill. But he had shown no symptoms. Then He thought maybe he just blocked out the memory subconsciously. That's when he saw it. An empty bodle with no label on it, next to his bed. He couldn't remember drinking anything that night except a glass of wine from the banquet but that was hours before Allani seduced him.

Something wasn't right.

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