Chapter Five: "Banquet"

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Meanwhile back in the throne room Izidora stood next to Queen Tuya waiting for Pharoah's words.

"Izidora, you were given the job to keep an eye on the princes, help them study and become great leaders, along with being Tuya's hand maiden. Is that too much to handle?" He asked. "No, your majesty..." Izidora responded with her head hung low.

"You are young, I understand that, and you are a Hebrew. You must learn the ways of Egyptian to understand how important this is." Pharoah turned around to face Izidora. "I understand, your majesty." Izidora stuttered. "You will be punished for not fulfilling your task, which was...." Pharoah spoke waiting for Izidora's answer to see if she understood.

"To keep an eye on the princes at all times." Izidora responded. The truth was Izidora hadn't kept an eye on the princes because she was in the palace gardens, doing her daily prayer to her lord and savior. Pharoah hummed in response to Izidora understanding but did not want to let her go without a fair punishment.

"As punishment, you may not visit your family tonight." Pharoah spoke. Izidora gasped, lifting her head up with shock. "You will stay here and prepare for the Banquet tonight and after you will read as many ancient scrolls as possible before dusk. To learn of our ways, and the importance of being Pharaoh." Seti Spoke.

Izidora wanted to speak up, but Pharoah had turned his back to Izidora, ending their conversation. "Understood...Your majesty." Izidora quietly spoke she made her way out of the throne room twirling the ring on her finger that her father had given to her the day he left Izidora at the palace.

Tears ran down her face, walking outside of the palace and to the palace gardens. Her safe place as she lowered herself onto her knees in front of a pond that has water lily's floating around on lily pads. Her favorite flower. She cried as she began to pray for her mother and father's safety.

Meanwhile back in the memorial room, Moses walked into the room, humming a tune that he could not seem to get out of his head. A tune that he could not place the reason on why he knew it. He just remembers the song from his childhood.

He was only eighteen know, with Rameses just about to hit nineteen tonight. "Well, that went well." Moses said leaning up against a statue and sewing up a cloth in his hand to form into a bag. "Just, go away." Rameses said as he sat on the large statue that Moses was leaning on. "Could have been worse." Moses nonchalantly responded.

"The weak link in the chain, that's what he called me." Rameses said, feeling insecure. Moses sighed trying to think of a way to cheer his brother up. " are rather pathetic." Moses said continuing to sew the cloth. Causing Rameses to go onto a rant.

"Irresponsible, Ignorant of the traditions, he practically accused me of bring down the dynasty." Rameses spoke as he leaned over to look down at Moses. "Yeah, I can see it now, there go the pyramids!" Moses laughed joking around as he walked over to the side of the room where a large opening window was, there sat a bowl of wine on the edge of the opening.

Rameses jumped down from the statue, landing with ease. "You can laugh about it." He replied to Moses's joke. "Statues cracking and toppling over, the Nile drying up." He jokes as he finished sewing his bag. "Single handedly, you will manage to bring the greatest kingdom on earth to ruin."

Moses joked as he dipped the bag into the wine and tied it up, as he walked over to the left a little bit. "Tell me this Moses, tell me this, why is it that every time you start something, I'm the one that always ends up in trouble." Rameses said following Moses as Moses did not respond.

Moses lifted the bag of wine and dropped it over the ledge, unlucky for Hotep and Hoy they were walking right undeath Moses and Rameses. Moses quickly ducked, hiding so Hoy and Hotep would not see them, but Rameses did not understand what was going on until last minute. Huy and Hotep awed displeased with the fact their clothes were ruined. Hotep looked up and saw Rameses.

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