Chapter Fourteen: "Anger"

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The fear of imperfection. Fear of not being good enough.

"So, tell me about yourself Rameses." The beautiful Hittite princess said with a smile. Rameses sighed in boredom and disinterest. "I'm soon to be king" he said with tired eyes. He had been up most of the night thinking of new building to construct and new things to plan. "Well of course you are, but that can't be all to you." She said taking a sip from her cup. Rameses didn't respond, nor did he show any interest. It was hard for him to be interested in someone who he couldn't see himself with.

"Do you really want to do this?" He asked the girl as her eyes shot open from surprise as she placed her cup down. She cleared her throat and said "Yes, I do..." with a soft smile. "Why?" He asked. "It will join our two kingdoms. Do you not realize?" She asked. Again, Rameses was unresponsive. A guard walked up to Rameses and whispered something in his ear. Rameses stood up. "My father needs me; I will see you.... when I see you." He said as he thought of what else to say while walking away.

Rameses made it back to the palace where he could not find his mother. "Father?" Rameses said walking up to Seti. "Rameses, how was the date?" Seti asked standing in front of Rameses. "Terrible, she is not who I want to be with." Rameses walking to the large window in the throne room and looking down, sighing in exhaustion.

"Rameses, this isn't for your enjoyment. This is for our kingdom. Think of our people." Seti said. It was complete silence until Seti spoke up again. "We need to set up for the Banquet tonight where you will meet more women...I was going to let Izidora out the dungeon, sense she is one of the best planners we have..." Seti spoke up. Once Rameses heard those last words, he sat up so quickly. "But she was already let out, by your mother. She said something bad happened." Seti spoke again.

Rameses gasped in fear. "What happened?" Rameses asked worried. "Izidora is alright..." Seti spoke again causing a relief to set off of Rameses shoulders. "But...her father...had passed on. Your mother said Izidora had a dream and instantly knew something was wrong and asked to see her father." Seti explained. " Where is she?" How did he pass?" Rameses asked.

Seti hesitated because he knew Rameses would stop at nothing to get justice for Izidora's father. " Her father was found, barely unrecognizable, beaten and bruised to the brim, is how they described it...She is at her father's house." He spoke. Rameses immediately rushed out of the palace almost falling. He hoped on his chariot and headed towards Izidora. When he got into the Hebrews town, he was nervous for some reason but did not care.

"Where is Emmanuels house?" He questioned a woman. "R-R-Right over there your highness." She said stuttering and pointing down the road. Rameses moved forward on his chariot as Izidora then came into view. He hoped off his chariot as he saw Izidora holding her knees with her head down, crying outside of Emmanuels home. She couldn't understand why this was happening and at first, she thought Rameses did this as he was the last person to be with Emmanuel yesterday.

The heat of hot sun was blocked from her body. As she looked up to see Rameses. He knelt down to her and held his arms out. She hesitated as she didn't know who to trust anymore but she had faith. She moved forward into his warm embrace. "Did you, do it?" Izidora asked blatantly. She just wanted to know who did this. Any normal person would get angry for being accused of something like this.

Rameses was not normal, and he could understand why Izidora would ask. "No." He responded. Izidora began to cry, and Rameses held her tighter. How could a women handle this much pain. something began to boil within Rameses. A deeper kind of anger, a deeper kind of pain. Emmanuel was the one Hebrew who he actually got along with besides Izidora. "I'll find who did this, and I will make them pay. I swear..." Rameses said.

Rameses slowly stood up leaving Izidora outside as he walked into the house and immediately hit by a horrid smell, making his stomach hurl. All he needed was one look and he did. Someone who did this definitely did this one purpose and planned this out from the time Emmanuel left the house and the time he would come home.

He stepped out of the house as the guards walked over to him. He looked at Izidora's who was sitting on the chariot still holding her knees. "This murder was planned. Go around the village, seal out any information you can find. These houses are close enough to where a person could hear what could have happened or even seen." Rameses explained to the men.

The guards nodded. "Do whatever takes to get the information out of them." He said walking to Izidora. Izidora couldn't even look anyone in the eyes. She just wanted to to wake up from this nightmare. A new feeling rises in her. Anger. A feeling she never felt before as her life was so joyous. Her family was so happy. She was happy.

No someone has taken the most important thing from her. They rode back to the palace. The thing was Izidora was so angry that she ended up falling asleep. Rameses picked her up bridal style and carried her through the palace as again, maids whispered rumors to each other about what could be happening. "Maybe she got bitten by a snake and fell I'll." One maid said. "Maybe she is just faking, to get close with the prince." Another said.

Rameses walked to his room and opened the door. He placed her in the bed and walked to the bathroom as her glossy wet eyes fluttered open. She looked up and heard Rameses getting a bath ready for her as that dungeon was pretty dirty. She sat up a little bit using her elbow to support her. When she saw something on the ledge of the large window.

She quickly turned her heard to see a black cat. Staring at her very intently. It did not move; it didn't even look like it was breathing but it was there. They both stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Like as if they were in a battle of alphas. The cat gave up as it tilted its head, meowed and jumped away.

Izidora got scared as she thought the cat might get hurt but she watched in awe as the cat had such great agility. "Izidora?" Rameses asked stepping out of the bathroom. Izidora turned around from the window slightly. "The bath is ready." He said ushering her into the bathroom. She gasped at how beautiful it was. There was beautiful decor of birds and the Nile on the walls. The tub was massive and the ceiling? There was no ceiling as you could look right up and see the sky.

"It's beautiful." She said almost in a whisper to not ruin the peace. She didn't feel angry anymore as she felt safe. Rameses smiled at how he could see Izidora's smile again as she took her shoes off. "I will, wait outside for you. Just call me if you need me." He said quite embarrassed at how he was staring at Izidora as she was about to take her clothes off.

He walked to the door and was about to leave when Izidora stopped him.

"Will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone..."

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