Chapter Twenty Seven: "Playing With The Big Boys Now"

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Everything went by in a blur. In just a year so much had happened. For starters, After the night Rameses proposed Izidora to be his Queen, Allani was ordered to be sent back to her kingdom in Hittite. Knowing who she was, she refused and fought with all of her might to stay within the palace, but she was dragged out.

Izidora cringed and got a queasy feeling in her stomach when that happened. Rameses must have noticed because he immediately wrapped his arm around Izidora's waist, bringing her close to him in a sort of way to comfort her.

After that happened, Hittite were enraged with Egypt as to the marriage between Allani and Rameses was a form of their peace treaty. The Hittite declared war. Egyptians were angered with King Rameses, but Rameses knew that there would be war anyway and he was ready. Not to mention he has Izidora and her warriors on his side as well.

Even though Izidora was a woman, she fought like a man, and led a very strong army as she called her army filled with women and men (but mainly women) in Jordan to come to Egypt to stand with her and Rameses in battle. The Hittite surrendered and retreated as they had lost more than half of their men. All thanks to Izidora and her quick whited thinking.

After the war Rameses built monuments, and statues of himself that were designed by Izidora. Some people would say Izidora had him wrapped around her finger, but that wasn't what Izidora cared for. Eventually Izidora created the best Egyptian army and tried to propose women start help in fighting as well with the proper training. Izidora was what people called "A woman with a heart of gold"

Eventually Izidora and Rameses became more intimate than they already were. Going as far as having intercourse in the royal gardens. They did everything together. Rameses never made a decision without asking for Izidora's opinion, and they always seemed to think the same regardless of the matter. Izidora eventually became pregnant with Rameses second child who they decided to name him after Ramesses.

His name was "Ramesses", or some people would say "Ramesses B". Ramesses, Izidora and their children all became a happy family. They felt like they were on top of the world, and nobody could bring them down. Izidora taught their children how to read and write, taught them about the many Egyptian Gods and the God of the Hebrews as Izidora felt that their sons had the right to choose in who or what they believe when they are older.

Rameses began to have nightmares at least every other night. He would tell Izidora his dreams and every time it was the same one. A man with fear, regret, a little shine of happiness approaches another man who sits on top of a hill with pride, and stubbornness. The fearful man asks the stubborn man to spare some of his riches to the poor families. The stubborn man laughs at the poor sad man and ushers him away, but the poor man stands strong and warns him over and over that something bad will happen.

Over the years, Ramesses had seemed to become more and more easily aggravated or irritated. You could say it seemed like everyone was walking on eggshells with him.

In Rameses dream, the poor sad man would approach the stubborn man over and over again, for exactly ten times. On the tenth day the poor man went to the stubborn man again and again the stubborn man laughed with annoyance and ushered the poor man away. This time, the poor man cried in tears of grief and sadness. In tears the poor man warned that the stubborn man's riches, wealth, loved ones, and everything he cherished would all come to an end by the end of the night.

The stubborn man still would not listen, and the poor man was right. The stubborn man woke up in the middle of the night to find everything he loved and owned to be broken, missing, or destroyed. Every time, Ramesses would tell Izidora his dream and every time Ramesses would get the same answer. "Something is going to happen Ramesses, something bad, and we must prepare." Ramesses would get a cold shiver of fear in his body but would always forget to prepare for this bad thing that Izidora spoke of.

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