Chapter Seven: "All I Ever Wanted"

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Moses didn't know what to believe as he ran away back to the palace but bumped into an old Hebrew man as the other Hebrews watched in horror to see the prince in their town. Moses quickly stood up and ran back to the palace. He was not too far from the palace as he stood still trying to catch his breath. Taking a good look at what he called his home. Running to the palace with fright.

He falls onto a podium and looks up at the mother and father's statue. He ran to his room, as he was welcomed by his two favorite dogs, Horus and Bastet, putting a smile on his face. He stood up and lifted a sword as he lifted it in the air, feeling powerful. He backed up up resting himself against a wall and lowering himself onto the floor. "Surely this is all I've ever wanted." He thought to himself as he then drifted off into sleep.

Meanwhile Izidora was in the palace gardens in her safe place again. Sitting on her knees in front of the pond as she looked at her reflection within the water. She was thinking about everything that just happened and then thinking, what her mother would do. "Don't tell me you're going to break into song." Rameses said chuckling and walking up to her, trying to lighten the mood. Izidora looked up shocked to see the prince still up this late. "Rameses! what are you doing up?" She asked.

"Well, I couldn't shake the feeling that a damsel was in distress." Rameses joked as he sat down next to Izidora. "Is that so?" Izidora chuckled. Rameses hummed. "And maybe the fact that I haven't been able to sleep due to my rising guilt." Rameses silently spoke. "Rameses, I told you that it was fine. Please don't feel guilty." Izidora stated. "But I can't Izidora!" Rameses spoke as he grabbed Izidora's shoulders looking at her as tears started to rise up in his eyes.

As long as Izidora has known Rameses, he never liked showing his emotions as he was told it was not fit for a Pharaoh to do so, she never saw him cry especially over a Hebrew and their mother. But what Izidora failed to understand was Rameses didn't see Izidora as just a Hebrew. "Izidora, you have always been there for me..." He spoke as a tear feel down his cheek. "You've always helped me get through my problem and struggles and is always someone to rely on when I needed ." He continued.

"The fact that my actions caused you not being able to see your family...and take your smile's the worst punishment I have ever felt." Rameses spoke as he hung his head low with shame. Izidora was shocked she didn't know what to say. "Izidora." Rameses spoke once more as he cupped her face. "I am so sorry." He said resting his forehead against hers, which is something they'd do with each other when one of them would make the other cry or upset.

It was a form of an apology. They sat there for a while until Izidora fell asleep in Rameses arms.

He knew she was sleep but wanted to stay outside and take in the moment that was happening. He liked how he was someone Izidora relied on when in need. He looked down at her as he brushed a strand of her hair from her face. He could tell she was having a good rest with the smile that appeared on her face, causing him to smile. It was always windy a nighttime, so Rameses figured it was best to take Izidora to bed.

Rameses picked up Izidora, bridal style. Walking gently trying not to wake her up. On his way to Izidora's chamber there were other maidens that were talking with each other as they saw Rameses coming their way. They gasped and bowed as he walked by and then looked at each other with disgust due to the fact he was carrying Izidora to her room. The began to gossip about Izidora.

"See, I told you she threw herself at him like street trash." One maiden said. "She must have seduced him. ugh! a disgusting Hebrew at best." Another one whispered back with her hands on her hips.

They were an earshot away and Rameses heard everything. He walked into Izidora's room and shut the door quietly as he gently lowered her onto the bed and into the covers. "They don't know what they're talking about..." Rameses said grazing his fingertip against her cheek as she began to get comfy in her sleep. His eyes shot up at the door with anger at the other maidens.

Ready to tell them off he walked up to the door and closed it softly while facing it as still wished not to wake Izidora. "Rameses." King Seti spoke behind him causing Rameses breath to hitch. "Yes, father?" he said but still did not turn around from the door. "Rameses, before you are pharaoh you must pick a wife. You have several options from several different kingdoms, coming here in two days." Pharaoh reminded him. Rameses sighed in annoyance quietly. "I know father. I know." Rameses stated turning around.

Pharoah sighed "is Izidora sleeping?" He asked. "Yes, why do you ask?" Rameses asked. "I um- wanted to send her my apologies for her loss but I suppose that can wait later" Seti said. "Yes, you are right." Rameses said as he watched Seti walk away taking the right turn down a hallway. Rameses then heard those other maidens laughing again. His attention quickly turned back to them as his eyes narrowed in anger.

The girls quickly shut up and bowed. surprised that Rameses stopped walking and stood in front of them. The slowly looked up to see his narrow eyes that showed anger and disgust. "What are your names?" he asked. "Nora" one girl said standing up and shyly twirling her hair. "Talula" Another girl stood and batted her eyes. Rameses kept a straight face.

"Sense you girls can't understand to keep your mouths shut, your workload will be doubled." he said walking away as the girls gasped in fear.

He walked away across the palace to his room. Along the way he thought of what he just did. He didn't plan on saying that, he actually just wanted to handle it the easy way or threaten them a bit to scare them off of Izidora's back but when he heard how badly they spoke about her and then could just sit there and laugh. It angered him.

He went to sleep that night proud of his decision and stressed about his father breathing down his neck about him finding someone to be his future wife. He just wanted a break. A day too himself with no stress, would be the best day of his life. Something that he's always wanted.

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