Chapter Twenty-Two: "Through Heaven's Eyes"

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It was nighttime with in Median where Moses was staying. The people had gathered around each other for supper in front of a huge campfire. Moses was nervous. His mind kept telling him that he didn't belong here and that he needed to go back home, but deep down in his heart, he knew he needed to be here. He stepped forward, wondering where he should sit, when one of the three girls from earlier came up to him.

The youngest girl, probably about six years old pulled on the bottom of his robe and said, "Sit with me." "Alright." Moses replied back sitting in between the little girl and the woman from the banquet. Moses instantly picked up a peach that was sitting in a fruit bowl. When he heard one of the three girls signal him and say, "Not yet."

Moses was confused but said "Oh, sorry." In a polite manner trying not to seem rude. "My children, let us give thanks for this bountiful food." Jethro began to say walking around in front of the people. Moses never "Gave thanks" before eating, he found it quite odd.

"And let us also give thanks, to the presence of this brave young man who we honor here tonight." Jethro continued to say as he walked up to Moses, showing the people who he was talking about. Everyone awed and began to clap in surprise. "Please sir I wish you wouldn't...." Moses began to deny. "I have done nothing in my life worth honoring..." Moses finished saying as he thought about his past life in Egypt.

The median woman looked at Moses confused, as she wondered if he had realized the spoiled brat, he had been to her and several other people. Jethro looked confused but then walked over to the median woman and said, "First you rescue Zipporah from Egypt." He said as he then walked over two the three young girls from earlier. "Then you defend my younger daughters from brigands, you think that is nothing?" He finished saying with a smile.

"It seems you do not know what is worthy of honor..." Jethro continued to say as he walked away and began to sing a special song to explain to Moses what he meant.

"A single thread in a tapestry

Through its color brightly shines

Can never see its purpose

In the pattern of the grand design...

He sung to Moses as he showed the Tapestry of three large diamond figures as he moved over into the view of three large mountains.

"And the stone that sits on the very top

Of the mountains mighty face

Does it think it's more importantThen the stones that form the base?

"So how can you see what your life is worth

Or where your value lies?

You can never see through the eyes of man...

Jethro continued as he walked over to Moses with another smile. Moses looked up at him as if he finally had someone to look up to. Jethro wrapped his arm around him and lifted Moses's gaze to the sky.

You must look at your life

Look at your life through heaven's eyes..."

The people held tambourines, banged small drums as they danced and praised singing,

"Lai le lai lai lee lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai!"

They sang with each other over and over throughout the night as they held each other's hands surrounding the fire and dancing in a circle. Moses could feel the joyful energy from these people as he watched Jethro dance with his youngest daughter. The six-year-old. She ran over to Moses, gently pulling him and saying, "Dance with me."

"No, I don't know how." Moses politely replied. The girl then went back to dancing with everyone, and Moses watched as he clapped whilst everyone danced. In this moment he wished Izidora would have come along with him, she would have loved it. He knew Rameses would not see it through with even stepping out of Egypt.

Over time Moses grew to be one with these median people as he Sheppard and built tents and spend more time with them.

"A lake of gold in the desert sand

Is less than a cool fresh spring

And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy

greater than the richest king...."

Moses grew to love his Sheppard job as Zipporah would help him when baby sheep were about to be born.

"If a man loses everything he owns

Has he truly lost his worth?

Or is it the beginning

Of a new and brighter birth?"

During this time Moses and Zipporah grew close with each other as they spent time taking care of sheep together and telling each other crazy stories throughout their life.

"So how do you measure the worth of a man

In wealth or strength or size?

In how much he gained or how much he gave?

The answer will come...

The answer will come to him who tries

To look at his life through heaven's eyes...

And that's why we share all we have with you

Though there's little to be found

When all you've got is nothing

There's a lot to go around...."

Jethro continued to sing as Moses became more and more close with the people in median. Every night they prayed for their food and danced with each other. One night Moses caught Zipporah dancing and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"No life can escape being blown about

By the winds of change and chance

And though you never know all the steps..."

Zipporah snuck up behind Moses, trapping him with her red satin shawl saying, "Dance with me!" Moses tried to decline once again but Zipporah would not let him get away that easily as she shoved him into the circle of people dancing, causing him to join the dance.

"You must learn to join the dance

You must learn to join the dance!"

Moses and Zipporah danced with each other in the night. Looking into each other's eyes as they both realized the feelings, they had for one another.

"Lai le lai lai lee lai lai

Lai lai lai lai lai

La lai lai lai lai lee lai lai

Lai lai lai lai lai lai.."

After a while of spending more time together, Moses and Zippora decided to ask for Jethro's blessing for their marriage. Jethro happily agrees to their marriage as they then get married. Moses and Zipporah danced down the Aisle. Feeling happy that they were tied together through marriage.

"So how do you judge what a man is worth

By what he builds or buys?

You can never see with your eyes on earth

Look through heaven's eyes

Look at your life

Look at your life

Look at your life through heaven's eyes!"

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