Chapter Twenty-Four: "home sweet home"

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About a year before Moses decided to come back to Egypt. Izidora had made it to Egypt and goodness the people loved her. The women wanted to be her and the men wanted to be with her. When she arrived she didn't arrive in a chariot, or a camel or donkey. She arrived on a very huge and large caracal cat that she named "Petra." It was a black cat and her several other lions and caracals walked beside or behind her.

She wore an outfit that some say would be too sexy. Her outfit almost looked that same as the outfit she wore when she left. Her outfit color was purple. A bright lavender purple as her top was strapless and hugged her breasts comfortably tight. The top had gold jewels on it that left her stomach visible and connected to her bottoms.

He bottoms was a split sheer skirt that made her legs and some of her hips completely visible when she walked. She had on some jeweled panties that covered up that lower area that she did not want people to see. She had ankle brackets and thought brackets in the shape of a snake. Her large tattoo of the Lion on her back got many attentions.

She walked to the palace as she saw once again the Hebrews working much harder. She told her guards to watch her lions but took her best lion "Pharaoh" with her. Inside the palace sat Rameses in his throne as the people drank and laughed. There were dancers that swayed their hips and did tricks and spins. Hotep and Huy were playing with Rameses son, Amun-her-khepeshef.

They showed him magic tricks and entertained him. Rameses smiled as his little boy told him to look at the funny trick. Then the two Egyptian guards at the doors made an announcement. "Her royal majesty! Izidora from Jordan!" They shouted as the music changed to a sexier kind of music and the dancers began to dance with more elegance and sexy.

Some Egyptian gasped and some went quiet as they all remembered the day Izidora was taken away. Rameses's Queen Allani had just walked into the room, wondering why everyone was so quiet and anticipating. She looked at Rameses as he lifted his head with wide eyes as he looked at the door. His mouth was slightly open as if he was trying to hold in a gasp.

He leaned forward a little in anticipation of whom Izidora had came to be. The guards went to the door handles to open the door for her but Izidora's guards had beat them too it. They were much bigger and stronger as they slammed the doors open causing the doors to hit the Egyptian guards. Izidora walked in with grace and mystery.

Her pet Lion walked next to her with a look that terrified the Egyptians. They were never this close to a lion before and never seen a black one. Allani's eyes widened in shock as so did Rameses. Allani looked to Rameses as he began to stand up slowly. He felt like he was in a trance.

The way Izidora walked was something he had not seen in a long time. Her hips swayed as she walked. Her shoulders were aligned. Her eyes were like aiming daggers. He could only see her eyes as she had a lavender purple sheer mask. Rameses could feel his heart began to beat fast as the women gasped and the men drooled in delight.

What was Izidora feeling? What was she thinking?

She was angry. She hated being back here. She did not wish to see Pharaoh but knew it was something she had to do. She wanted to show pharaoh that she was a changed woman. That she was not just a fragile girl that could let her heart be played with. She was a fragile bomb that was eager to explode.

She hated how the Egyptians treated her and her people. She hated how Allani took what she believed to be hers. She hated how Rameses could look her dead in the eyes and not fight for her to stay in Egypt. How he let her go. He let her get taken away. He allowed it. And for what? To be ridiculed? To be forcibly married to a man she could not love? And in the end, to lose her son?

She had nothing but riches and people back in Jordan that adored her and feared her. But that is not what she wanted. She wanted freedom. But Rameses took that away from her. She should have left with Moses. But he could not. She was fuming with anger. Her fist balled up at the fact she never got to see her mother's burial or her fathers burial.

Memories that she did not want to remember flowed back into her mind as she walked closer to the middle of the room. She watched as the people whispered and the men awed. She thought they were all hounds. So yes, her eyes were like daggers being thrown at every single person in that room. Rameses gulped with nervousness and hesitation.

He completely stood up "I-Izidora?" He said shocked. "Is it really you?" He said as he walked down the steps from his thrown and made his way too her. Rameses had changed alittle more too in physique. He was more muscular. His bone structure was without flaw. An amazing angel face with a devils mind.

His eyes were narrowed with his lips more fuller. He had become a bit more darker and a bit more taller. He was indeed handsome and Izidora knew it. He stood infront of her. That is when she realized how tall he was in comparison to her. She looked up at him. Her eyes hit his heart like blades. "Rameses?" She said as her eyes widened a bit.

When she saw him, her anger had slightly gone away. She was almost swept of her feet just by his looks. Her heart was undecided. "Izi!" He shouted as he brought her into a large embrace, spinning her around and laughing. She hugged him back as she also began to laugh. But she couldn't understand why? She knew she was angry, but when she seen Rameses it's like those negative emotions went away.

He stepped back a little, hand on hips and circled her like a animal would do when eying their meal. He placed his hand on his chin supporting his arm with his other. He hummed as he went back to his original spot infront of her.

"What are you circling me for?" She asked. "You've grown quite a bit." He responded. Their eyes meeting as Izidora quickly looked away. Rameses smirked as he then heard Allani's squeaky voice squeal from behind him. He rolled his eyes and dropped his arms and he watched Allani try to run and hug Izidora. "Izidora your back!" She shouted with a smile but before Izidora could react, Pharaoh had jumped infront of her and growled, causing Allani to jolt back.

She heard a small laugh escape Rameses's mouth. She never heard him laugh in a long time. "You have a....lion..." Allani said with a hint of disgust. " an amazing one." Rameses chimed in as pharaoh went to him and began to shake his head for head pats. Rameses was like a little boy. Kneeling down and petting the lion as the lion licked his face.

" His name is Pharaoh." Izidora said to Rameses. "He's my best one." Izidora finished saying as Rameses looked up at her in a bit of surprise. Allani clapped her hand and said "well, we've picked a house for you to sta-" but Ramses cut off. He continued to pet the lion as he said "Izidora stays here. In the best room we have." He stated. He looked up at Allani with a face that said "shut up." And she did.

"Father? Is that a lion?" Amun-ker-khepeshef spoke as he walked up to his father Rameses and stood next him , in between him and Allani. "Yes it is. This is Pharaoh. Izidora's lion." He replied with a gentle smile. Pharaoh kneeled down and layed on the floor infront of Amun-ker-khepeshef. The little boy's eyes widened in awe at the lion.

Rameses stood up and met eyes with Izidora's. Allani looked at Rameses, wanting Rameses to stop staring at Izidora so heavily. "How about we give you a tour of the palace? It's been so long! Maybe you need a refresher!" Allani spoke as she once again tried to hug Izidora but Izidora simply moved to the side almost causing Allani to stumble.

"I remember the palace quite well enough to know where I am going, thank you." Izidora said as one of her large guards took his hand out as Izidora took his and the turned around and began to walk away, her pet lion following behind. Rameses stared in awe as he felt like he was completely in a spell when Izidora's eyes looked at his.

Even when she walked away he still could feel that spell. As when she walked away her hips continued to sway back and forth with ease.

What had he gotten himself into...

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