Chapter Nineteen: "Whatever Goes Up, Must Come Down"

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To leave without saying goodbye.

It was another banquet. Rameses was celebrating the birthday of his wife and his son as they were amazingly born on the same date. Allani had invited her brother Katuzili who was actually pursuing his reign over Jordan. He was a tall, strong, handsome young man in need of a Queen by his side.

The night went on smoothly, with Izidora still being the same depressed young woman. Rameses was about to pull Izidora to the side saying; "Izi, can I talk to you for a moment?" but was interrupted by a guard announcing the arrival of Allani's brother. Girls awed at the handsome young man.

Izidora cringed at how she could tell he also had a big ego. Allani jumped up and ran to her brother giving him a big hug. He shook Rameses hand firmly as he admitted how he was a big fan of Rameses which Izidora could tell slightly boosted Rameses ego. That's when he laid eyes on Izidora. He fell head over heels in love with her from just one look.

He instantly grabbed Izidora's hand saying, "It's a pleasure to stand in front of such a beautiful woman." As he kissed her hand. Rameses blood boiled as he tried to keep his composure. Who was this man to walk into his kingdom and try to flirt with his lady? Is what ran through Rameses mind. "Thank you..." Izidora replied. Not trying to be rude.

"Zili... this is my hand maiden, Izidora... I am sure you will find her quite lovely." Allani stated with a hint of a menacing tone as her plan was starting to work. The banquet continued as Katuzili spent time trying to get to know the best of Izidora. Granted Izidora thought he was pretty attractive a melanated man who seemed to be within his early twenties as well. His eyes were a beautiful blue that would always capture Izidora's attention throughout the night.

This man was able to tell silly jokes and make Izidora laugh. Something that she hadn't done in a very long time. They conversated about things that they pretty much had in common. How they both talked about ways to improve society and how they discussed certain constellations and Gods. Rameses was over heated with jealousy and anger. When the party ended, he took another visit too Izidora's room.

What he didn't know was that this would be the last time.

"Izidiora?" He called out to her as she was in the middle of changing. "Yes?" She replied quickly clothing herself up. "I need to talk to you." He responded sitting at the end of her bed. "What is it?" She responded as she was sitting on the edge of the window and petting the same black cat.

"What's going on between you and that other guy you were talking with tonight?" He asked. Izidora looked at Rameses and for the first time Rameses saw a look of annoyance written on her face. "Nothing, why do you ask? your majesty..." She responded, "Your Majesty?" Rameses thought to himself. She never used to call him that until recently.

"Izi, why are you drifting apart from me? You've grown quitter and you're not the same bundle of joy that you used to be..." He stated not looking her in the eyes. Izidora was silent for a moment until she said, " took my happiness away from me."

Those words struck Rameses in the heart like a knife. His head quickly shot up and looked in her direction of the window. "What are you talking about?" He asked "I've been nothing but good to you Rameses. I've stood by your side for years. I've been the bundle of joy for you for years. Yet you take your anger and stress out on me, you break me down and make me feel like I am supposed to be a used tool to you. What have I done to you, to make you hate me so much?" Izidora stated while standing up.

Rameses stood up and rushed to her so quickly. "Izi, I don't hate you. I could never hate you. I love you. I've just been going through so much, pressure and stress to be better than my father once was. I never meant to hurt you. I would never purposely hurt you Izi..." He continued to say as he cupped her face as her eyes began to tear up.

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