Chapter Ten: " Rameses Prayers"

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And that was that, Moses left without looking back even though the cries of his name from Rameses and Izidora made him want to turn back. It was too late, he was already long gone. Meanwhile back in Egypt, Izidora's knees felt weak as the pain in her heart caused her to fall to her knees and cry.

Rameses immediately went down to hold her as they both sat there. It hurt Rameses to see Izidora cry, he hated the feeling he got when he would hear her cries, or how he would see her smile fade away. The thought of him waking up with Moses not there in the palace with him, hurt him even more.

At that moment he realized what his father meant by "you must not allow yourself to be led astray." Rameses got so used to Moses being around, he believed he would be around forever. He realized it was a distraction. He realized he had to now be strong, for Egypt. But he didn't just want to be strong for Egypt and his dynasty.

He wanted to be strong for Izidora. She was always a shoulder to lean on for him and now he wanted to do that same. He wanted to be the one to lift her up when she was feeling down. And that's what he did. He lifted Izidora's face with a sad smile, and wiped her tears. Placing their foreheads together while lifting her up.

He calmed her down by taking deep breaths with her. It's was honestly something he never done before. I liked this feeling though, he was hurting inside but he felt like Izidora was somehow hurting even more and that's why he needed to be there for her. Which is what was going through his mind.

Izidora eventually started to catch in and started taking in some deep breaths with him. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. That's how close he was with Izidora. They could understand what each other were saying or thinking just by body language. He took her hand and walked her to his chariot.

They rode back to their city in silence. When they arrived back, everyone was wondering what had happened. Even the Hebrews. Though they didn't show their interest on their faces. They indeed were intrigued by what had just transpired. The guards rushed to Rameses asking if he was okay and where Prince Moses was.

At first, Rameses did not speak. He looked down at Izidora, who was gripping his hand so tight as if she could not bare to hear Moses's name. She kept her head down, her gaze focused on the sand as the wind blew them and small semi circles and flying away, never to be seen again. For some reason it made her think of Moses. She began to cry silently.

Rameses gripped her hand tightly for reassurance. As he then looked back at the guards. "He won't be coming back." Rameses said with a pain in his voice as he practically spoke with the lowest tone anyone has ever heard him speak in. He spoke as he began to walk forward towards the palace to speak with his parents as he then said,

"Close work loads for today, everyone go home... I need not to hear of the loud ruckus." He spoke with a bit of a louder voice for everyone to hear. He had gotten a headache for all the stress and pain. He just needed complete silence. The Hebrews were completely over joyed. As they then put their sand bags down, let go of their mud blocks and rushed home.

When they got to the palace he told Izidora, "I will talk to you later, I have to inform my mother and father." He said gently smiling as he began to walk off but was stopped by a Izidora grabbing his hand. "I want to stay with you..." Izidora spoke in a low voice, she didn't look at him. Rameses just needed to see her bright face, one more time before facing his father. That's all he needed.

He lifted Izidora's face by her chin, their eyes meeting. "You know, you are the first women I've ever met that cries so beautifully." He smiled, brushing her hair out if her face. His words caused Izidora to smile and blush a light shade if pink.

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