Chapter Three: "A New Bond of Friendship"

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"Rameses! Moses! Where are you two?" Queen Tuya called out to her children as Tuya looked at one of her maidens who shrugged not know where they were. "Is that them?" Izidora pointed at the two boys behind them down the hill as they ran out a temple from a priest. Izidora and Tuya looked at each other with confusion. as the priest caught up to the laughing boys and taking them to Queen Tuya.

"What have they done now.?" Tuya asked. "They switched the heads of the Gods in the temple of Ra." The priest said holding the boys by their forearm in each of his hands. Tuya gasped. "Yes, they put the hippo on the crocodile and the crocodile on the falcon." The priest said as the boys were no longer smiling.

The priest let the boys go and walked away as Tuya looked at them with disappointment. "Your father will be disappointed to hear this." Tuya said softly. "We're sorry mother." Moses said. Young Rameses looked up to see Izidora standing next to Tuya. "Mother who is this?" Rameses asked. "This is Izidora, she will be working in the palace from now on as my hand maiden and as your new tutors." Queen Tuya said smiling and backing away as Moses and Rameses inspected the young girl.

"She sure doesn't look like an Egyptian." Moses stated grabbing Izidora's face and squishing her cheeks together. "Doesn't dress like one neither" Rameses scoffed folding his arms in the background. "I'm not an Egyptian." Izidora stated. "I am a Hebrew." She continued. "Mother, you are letting a Hebrew work in the palace?" Rameses asked with concern.

"Yes, and you will treat her with the same respect that she gives you. Understood?" Tuya sighed. "Come on children. Your father wishes to speak with you both." Seraphine said walking in. She then bowed to Queen Tuya. "Man, this is going to suck." Moses stated.

Queen Tuya and Seraphine walked Infront of the children down the hall as Moses and Rameses walked on either side of Izidora. Putting Izidora within the middle. Izidora stared at the walls that made up the hallway. The floor was made hardened mud, polished white to match the walls that had ancient hieroglyphics on them.

"How old are you, Izidora?" Rameses asked as they walked down the hall. "I am twelve." Izidora responded. "You?" She asked waiting for his answer. "I am thirteen and Moses is twelve." He responded and then pointing at Moses who childishly waved. "Will your father be mad?" Izidora asked. "Yeah. Especially with me, I will be King when he he expects more from me. I am not sure what my punishment will be." He explained as he gulped in fear.

"Punishment?" Izidora asked wanting to know more "Yeah his punishments are brutal." Rameses responded in a whisper as his fists clenched with more fear as they walked closer to the entrance of the throne room. "Then why'd you, do it?" Izidora asked trying to make sense of the situation as they walked into the throne room.

Rameses frowned and looked at Moses. "I don't know, Moses, why did I do it?" Rameses frowned. Causing Moses to look down in shame. "Your majesty." Seraphine bowed as the Queen then walked in front of her to sit on her throne next to Seti. "Who do you think you are? to go switching heads in the temple of Ra?" King Seti said to the boys.

Izidora stood on the further side of the room next to Seraphine. "We are sorry father." Moses spoke up. "Be still Pharoah speaks." Pharoah said as he stood up and looked at Rameses. He pointed his crook at Rameses. "Two months of fasting." Pharoah said. Izidora quietly gasped as Rameses had a pained expression on his face. He looked up and walked away with anger. Moses waited for Pharoah's punishment but didn't get one. "What about me father?" Moses asked as he walked up to Seti.

"Moses, Rameses will be king. He must understand that being King you must learn to Hold the burden of those around you and hold your strength. That is why I gave him two months. One for you and one for him. He will do yours for you. That is his punishment as an uprising king." Seti said turning around to face his back to Moses.

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