Chapter Four: "Weak Link"

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Six years later...

"Izidora, have you seen Rameses, and Moses?" Tuya asked as she wanted to get them ready for the banquet that was happening tonight. "No, your majesty but I will go look for them." Izidora responded with a bow. Queen Tuya thanked Izidora as Izidora went out of the palace to look for the princes. She sighed in exhaustion from the burning sun as she had only been out looking for the princes for at least twenty minutes. Though it was hard to tell what time it was.

Whilst Izidora was in the Egyptian town looking for the princes, Rameses and Moses were not too far away from the town. Maybe only a few minutes away chariot racing each other. "Ha ha, faster you beasts, you run like mules!" Rameses shouted to his horses as he was winning the race. They raced past walls with Egyptian drawings on them. Rameses looking back at each one, admiring their beauty. He turned back around to his horses and signaled them to go faster with his leash.

"Hey Rameses, how'd you like your face carved on a wall?" Moses shouted behind him. "Someday, yes!" Rameses responded as Moses caught up beside him. "How about now?" Moses shouted as she smashed his chariot into Rameses' chariot. Causes the wheels to knock into the pavement of the wall beside him causing sparks to fly.

Rameses caught his balance as Moses laughed as how Rameses nearly fell off his Chariot. "You almost killed me." Rameses said getting his balance. "Oh, come on, where's your sense of fun?" Moses responded as he signaled his horses to go faster. "Oh, it's fun you want?" Rameses responded with a smile as he almost crashed into Moses. Moses quickly pulled his horses back. Rameses didn't react in time as he and his horses slid down a hill of sand as he tried to steady his balance.

Rameses sighed in relief as he managed to get to level ground. "Moses?" He called out trying to see where his brother went when he heard a rumble from above him as he then looked up. Moses flew over Rameses in his chariot, making it to level ground and continuing the race. They raced down a hill that led into the town where the Egyptians lived. Izidora was just in the middle of the street asking some people where Moses and Rameses were when she felt the ground shaking.

At first, she thought it was an earthquake. When she heard to familiar voices laughing. "Moses?" Izidora said under her breath and looking up into the distance as in a blink of an eye, she was swooped up in the arms of Rameses on his chariot. Izidora held tightly on him, wrapping her arms around his torso.

Moses made the first turn in the town as Rameses took the second sharp turn, separating the two as Moses rode down the town stairs and Rameses above him. "Come on Moses, Admit it. You've always looked up to me." Rameses taunted. Izidora looked down at Moses giggling as Moses responded "Yes, but it's not that much of a view." Moses responded as the view of Rameses bottom showed due to the wind blowing so hard. Causing Izidora to laugh out loud.

This made Rameses speed up and fall down from the high platform and landing right in front of Moses. "Second born, Second place!" Rameses taunted leaving Moses in the dust. "Not for long." Moses responded back as they led up to a restricted area as sculptors were busy sculpting Pharoah's very large statue.

There was one man working there as he was painting and almost done with it. "Rameses turn back we could get injured." Izidora stated clinging on tightly to Rameses. "It's too late now Izi, we're already high up!" Rameses stated as they indeed were high up on the construction area as they ran into the painter that was using rope to balance himself whilst painting. He was knocked over by balance as his large pain brush covered in blue pain traced a big blue smile onto the stature. The construction area Rameses and Moses were racing on began to tip over.

Moses seemed to be struggling while Rameses was making it down the landing with ease. As the landing began to tip over it knocked into the statue of Pharoah's head, causing its nose to completely break off. Falling onto the landing and crushing the landing as Moses and Rameses barely escaped it.

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