Chapter Twenty: "Facing A Heart Break"

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Izidora pulled and struggled as the men fought back by pulling her even harder. Katuzili was in front with the camel as they were heading out of Egypt. Rameses watched from above out of a large window with sadness and immediate regret as he watched Izidora be pulled down a large hill of sand as the Hebrew slaves worked.

She was pulling so hard that one of the men gained aggravated and beat her with a whip with no mercy. Rameses full of regret rushed downstairs and out of the back of the palace. he ran around to the front of the palace as fast as he could but when he got there, she was long gone. Instead of sitting Izidora on the camel with Lord Katuzili, she was tied to the back of the camel and forced to walk.

She spent hours walking in the sand, dehydrated, hot, and tired. Her feet started to ache from the pain of walking so much and then her feet began to bleed. Again, she felt like she was Joseph in his story. As in his story he had to do the something when being taken to Egypt. Nightfall came, the group decided to take a rest as Izidora was left, still tied to the camel away from the fire. It got cold at night.

Izidora was freezing cold but was then warmed as Katuzili walked over and placed a then blanket around her before walking away. Even though she was in so much pain. She still prayed to God every single night. In the morning they started walking again. They did this for three whole days. Then they arrived. The land was beautiful just like in the pictures. The women dressed beautifully and so did the men.

When they arrived, they didn't waste any time to get Izidora and Katuzili married. Making her his Queen. She was forced to study their ways. She was forced to learn the roles of a Queen which was to be obedient and serve her husband as he sees fit.

So much had happened so fast. In the next couple of months, she was taught their styles of dance, cooking, and language. She got tattooed as well. One on her arm that said, "Don't let the pain destroy you." On her thigh was a saying that said, "Be at piece, not in pieces". In between her chest going down was "Your faith has to be stronger than your hate." On her back was a tattoo of a lion. It wasn't too big nor was it too small.

Izidora had grown quite fond of cats, lions, and snakes. She had many pet lions as it was hard to count them all and she even had 5 huge pet caracals with one pet cobra.

Izidora and Katuzili were supposed to actually have sex to consummate their marriage. The thing was that Izidora was not comfortable with this concept at the moment and Katuzili was thoughtful enough to wait for her. He would bring her gifts and have breakfast in bed ready for her. He would attend with her on certain trips to the poor and the need as he would watch her help homeless children, and people.

She had become that bundle of joy again. At first, she was reluctant to even cooperate with Katuzili none of the less even look at him. But that didn't make him stop fighting for her affection. He had won her heart. Her beautiful hourglass figure had come back, and her hair grew exponentially.

She had became the most beautiful woman that man had ever seen, and she knew it. Over time her confidence grew as when she walked, she walked with grace, elegance, and power. Later on, in about a year she and Katuzili finally made their marriage official with consummation. This resulted to having a son.

Women found it hard to believe that Izidora was still able to keep her figure after having a kid. It was as if she was never even pregnant. Izidora didn't understand why either. Two years later, A foreign land had attacked her kingdom as they went to war. Sadly, her husband was killed on the battlefield. The foreign land had invaded Jordan and began stealing and attacking people.

None of the men were prepared for this invasion. One of the foreign soldiers were about to kill a little girl. Izidora quickly picked up a knife and showed no mercy as she stabbed the knife right into the left side of his head, tackling him on the ground. The man cried out in pain before instantly dying underneath Izidora.

She looked back at the little girl and told her, "Run into the nearby church! you'll be safe there!" The little girl thanked the woman and ran away. She whistled for one of her pet lions that she actually named "Pharaoh". The lion was practically a leader of the other lions in her kingdom. A large lion with a black and brown mane.

Pharaoh landed by her side as she jumped on top of him as he began to run through the streets. Izidora quickly picked up a sword that was stuck in the body of another soldier. Pharaoh ran through the streets as Izidora slashed and killed the soldiers that crossed her path. Single handedly fighting against the foreign leader causing him to surrender and retreat.

Izidora was declared "The Greatest Female Warrior and Ruler of Jordan." All of this happened in just three years. Maybe this is what God had planned for her. She had gotten what she wanted, not just to be Queen and Ruler, she wanted to be able to make the important decisions to impact human society for the better.

She had grown lonesome as her husband had passed away in battle and so did her son. All she had were her pets and her trusted best friend "Phineas." Who was also Egyptian but was sent to Jordan to take care of his sister who was falling ill.

Rameses had heard of the invasion that happened in Jordan and decided to invite Izidora back home for some time as she was in mourning of the loss of her husband and son. She was heartbroken to lose her son but was not that torn apart for Katuzili's death. At first, Izidora did not want to accept Rameses invitation back home but was persuaded by her best friend Phineas.

"Come on Izidora, you cannot stay angry with him forever. You have to face him sooner or later." He said to himself. "Would if I can't face him?" Izidora responded. "You single handedly fought off an invasion army and you think you can't face a heartbreak?" Phineas asked laughing. Izidora sighed in defeat as Phineas smiled at his win. "I'll get the camels ready." Phineas spoke up.

"I want my pets to come with me as well." Izidora replied. "And will you hold down the fort here while I'm away?" She asked. "Of course, Izidora!" Phineas replied happily. There was no time to waste, it was time for Izidora to face her fear...her heartbreak.

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