Chapter Twenty-One: "Moses Makes It To Median"

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Meanwhile Moses was wondering the sandy desert for who knows how long. He lost track of the days and the nights as sometimes he wished he had never left Egypt. "He would catch himself wondering, "Where would I be now, if I didn't leave?" But he knew there was no going back.

While on his journey a huge sand storm was coming right his way. He was so exhausted, so tired that he didn't even care. He let the sand storm take him as the send blew through his hair and almost pushing him back. Next thing he knew the sand had swallowed him whole, burying him completely with only the top of his hair sticking out like dead grass.

A camel had walked by and stopped to chew some of Moses' hair which it thought was grass. When the camel pulled on Moses' hair it pulled Moses' head out of the ground. His vision was blurry from the heat but hear could the faint familiar sound of water.

He looked up to see the camel drop mucus and spit his hair back in his face that was covered in camel spit. When the camel began to walk away, Moses could see the sack of water hanging from the side of the camel. Moses' head shot up from the thirst he had and rushed to the camel.

"Uh hey, wait for me!" He called out to the camel. As he threw himself onto the sack of water hanging front he camel, causing the camel to drag him. The camel had dragged him all the way to a fountain surrounded by lamb as they drank water from it. Moses bumped his head against the fountain, as the camel walked ahead of him.

Moses looked up to see the fountain of water. Over joyed he drunk from it, causing the other lambs to be shocked. Moses looked up at the sheep and heard little girls screaming. "Let me go!" She be girl cried. "Stop it!" Another one yelled.

Moses looked up to see two men stealing sheep and water from their well. The girls fought as much as they could but did not stand against the men. Moses spotted their camels and instantly had an idea. "Hey you! Aren't these your camels?" Moses asked the two men as they turned around from the girls to see Moses holding the leads of their camels.

The men's face froze in fear. "Hut-hut!" Moses shouted as he slapped the camels butt causing them to run away, making the creepy men chasing after their camels. The three girls were shocked of what Moses had done and looked back at him with confusion. Moses, dehydrated, exhausted, and hungry, was on the verge of fainting as the hot rays of the sun hit his back.

He felt dizzy as he tried to rest up against the well but the rock was not as strong as he thought as he ended up falling into the well. Ending it with a big splash. The girls looked at each other, wondering what they should do but decided the strange man needed their help sense he helped them.

They young girls pulled the rope that was connected to the bucket used for the well. Moses was hanging into that bucked but the girls were not that strong. "What are you girl doing?" A women said walking up to the three girls. It was the same median women from that banquet. "We're trying to get the funny man out of the well!" The youngest girl replied.

"Trying to get the funny man out of the well, well that's one I never heard before." The woman said leaning over the well slightly amused at the young girls antics. The woman was shocked to hear the strange man at the end of the well cry out. She gasped in a state of shock. "Oh my- don't worry down there! We'll get you out!" She shouted as she stepped infront of the girls and helped them pull the rope.

They pulled and pulled and pulled, until Moses was finally visible, hanging into the bucket. He looked up at the woman and anger hit her, as she recognized Moses from that night. "You..." she said to him as he looked up at her nervously laughing. A smirk pulled on her face as she bit her lip in slight anticipation from what she was about to do.

She instantly let go of the rope, causing the Well to fall down completely. Moses yelled out as he fell back down the well, and once again, ended his fall with a splash. The woman stood up feeling proud at what she did as she dusted her self off and walked away. "That's why papa said she'll never get married..." the oldest of the three girls said.

The three girls did tell their father, Jethro. Who instantly sent people to go and help Moses. They saved him from the well and brought him into their home. Placing him inside a tent as they poured water on him and bathing him. The nervous Moses tried to cover himself up as much as he could as of right then and there he was naked.

Some old woman were bathing him as Moses told them that they didn't need to do this. "You don't have to do this." He said as they did not listen. "Ladies, please! I'm really quite alright-" he tried to say but another woman caught him off guard by scrubbing his feet causing him to laugh from the ticklish sensation.

"Not there, please that tickles." The ladies continued to clean him as he then said, "ladies please, you've cleaned every inch of me- wow! I was wrong..." he said as the ladies began cleaning his lower area. The three young girls from earlier including the median woman were watching with giggles.

"Let me through, let me through, I want to see him!" Jethro called out as he walked into the tent with a joyful smile and bring Moses into a warm embrace, who was still naked. "Ah! You are most welcomed!" Jethro said in the hug.
"You should not be a stranger in this land! You have been sent as a blessing...." Jethro continued to say as he took off his robe and dropped it over Moses causing Moses to hunch over as the robe was so big.

"And tonight, you shall be my honored guest." Jethro finished saying as he roughly patted Moses on the back as the median woman walked up to him. "My father Jethro. High priest of median." She said to him with a smirk of satisfaction.

Moses wondered to himself, what on earth had he gotten himself into...

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