Chapter Two : "A Royal Meeting"

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Izidora returned home with excitement. Her father and mother confused as to why a Hebrew could be so happy in these hours of need. Izidora ran to her parents showing the food she was given from the King and Queen. The soup to help with her mother's illness. Her parents ate supper as Izidora continued to explain how she will start working as the Queens Hand maiden. sewing dresses and gowns.

With good pay and medicine to help with her mother's illness, and how the King has ordered to meet Izidora's parents tomorrow. The frightened parents were shocked at first. Her father cheered with joy. Jumping up from his seat, smiling and dancing. "Praise God! Hallelujah!" He cheered and shouted so loud the other Hebrews looked through their windows calling the man crazy.

Izidora never seen her father so happy before. She turned to look at her mother who did not seem that pleased as much as her father. "What's wrong mother. Aren't you happy?" Izidora asked. "Yes, but I am worried. Who will be there for you when you are in need. You will be surrounded by people who you do not know and people who will judge you for being a Hebrew. It could be dangerous."

"Mother they were polite to me and generous." Izidora stated. "That doesn't change the fact that they enslave and beat our people!" Her mother shouted as she began coughing. Izidora stood back in shock. Her mother never got that worked up before. "Ester, please. can't you see? This is a blessing from God. He has blessed us with a child that will save us all!" Her father said with a smile.

"But Emmanuel..." Ester began to speak up. "Cmon let's get some rest... we have a big day tomorrow..." her father said helping his wife to bed. That night Izidora couldn't sleep. not because of the loud rushing wind, the sound of the crickets or the sound of her father's loud snoring. What kept her up late at night was the excitement rumbling within her mind and heart. She ended up falling asleep to the sound of the wind whistling in the night. That's when her dream began. The sound of the wind rushed faster and faster.

Izidora walked in the sand as she heard slaves screaming and crying. Women and children running as solders fled the town streets. Izidora knew what dream this was. This was a reoccurring dream that came to her over and over again. This time it was different. The dream was focusing on a woman, who was in her home preparing to leave whilst holding a baby. The woman was singing.

"ילדי הטוב והרך

אל תירא ואל תפחד"

The woman sang to her children which meant: "My good and tender children do not fear and do not be afraid" in Hebrew. The woman continued to sing.

"My son, I have nothing I can give

But this chance that you may live

I pray we'll meet again if He will

Deliver us"

The mother sang holding her baby as she left the house with her two other children. Running and hiding behind walls from the guards as the guards took woman's children and threw them into the river full of alligators. Causing Izidora to gasp. It was if God was reminding her not to get to close with these people reminding her what they have done.

Izidora followed the mother and children as they ran to the river. Izidora hid behind some bushes and watched. The daughter placed down a weaved basket as the mother silently cried singing her last lullaby, placing the baby into the water.

"Hush now my baby, be still, love, don't cry

Sleep as you're rocked by the stream

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