Chapter Eighteen: "Love's Downfall"

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Similar to jealousy...discontent towards someone's traits,status,abilities,or rewards.

A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.

(Adj.) mentally or emotionally distant;

It had been a couple days later. Practically a week after everything that happened. Rameses still couldn't remember everything from that night but decided to let it go as whatever happened has happened. Rameses was finally able to set a proper burial for both Izidora's parents. Her mother was buried in a sacred part of Rameses Temple. Rameses had this temple built to celebrate his victory over the Hitties in the battle of Kadesh, the same week he married Allani.

Egyptian sculptors were already building the temple, but Rameses made a few changes in his honor. Mainly to brag about it. His ego was growing by the days. Going on months Rameses and Allani were having a steady marriage. At least that what it seemed like. Behind closed doors, he barely showed any affection to her, and that affection was placed onto Izidora.

Their affair went on for months going on for maybe two more years. During this time, Rameses father had passes which made Rameses permanently king. His mother was still around as she would serve as his advisor whilst Allani had become Queen. Making Izidora her right-hand maiden. Something Allani used to her advantage as she believed something was going on between Izidora and Rameses.

Izidora's father was buried in a special underwater tomb, made just for him as Rameses remembered his father wanted to be placed underwater. Both of her parents' tombs were decorated in pure gold, like any other usual royal tomb. Rameses treated Izidora like she was his Queen and Allani grew to hate it over time.

What did she have that Allani didn't? Is what Allani would ask herself every single time she caught Rameses showing any sort of affection or attention towards Izidora. One night she caught Rameses leaving Izidora's room late at night. When she asked him what he was doing in there, he just walked past her as if she wasn't there and said "Don't question your pharaoh."

She would do everything to grab his attention, but he did not care, nor show any signs of attention to her and her ideas. Somehow, he would allow Izidora to help him make important decisions, whether they were about to go in battle, our how they should build certain sculptures. Allani was so confused to see how people praised Izidora for coming up with the perfect strategy to win against the Hittite Empire due we to the fact Izidora is a Hebrew.

She was just a hand maiden and a Hebrew at that, yet several Egyptians praised her for their win. It angered Allani. Egyptians praised Izidora when she came up with certain ideas to help Rameses build the Ramesseum. Built in his honor. How was a young girl so capable of doing so much?

She even brought food to Hebrews when they were in need, and Rameses allowed it. He would do anything for Izidora. Rameses even caught the three men that killed Izidora's father. Instead of him choosing the punishment, like any Pharaoh would. He decided to have Izidora choose the punishment.

She had first wanted the men to suffer terribly. For example, having them burned alive or eaten by venous snakes but she had remembered what her father had told her. "To walk with love and to forgive."

She had decided for the men to be banished from Egypt. It wasn't a punishment Rameses thought was harsh enough, but he trusted Izidora's words and had banished the men from Egypt, leaving them in the desert. Before the men were banished through Izidora gave them three loaves of bread and told them that she forgives them.

The men were shocked with Izidora's kindness but not Rameses he knew that is who Izidora was.

Rameses physique had changed too. Not in a bad way but he had grown maybe two inches taller, becoming the tallest Pharaoh to live. The twenty-three year old had grown more muscular, His nose sharper, with his eyes narrow. His lips were just the right amount of plump with his skin more melanated. He had the face of a melanated angel. Handsome, is what some would call him. Sexy, is what the rest would say.

Izidora felt lucky to have such a handsome man by her side. What she failed to realize was Rameses ego was taking the best of him. It started off small, like any new king would, but then it would start to grow to where he would use the infamous saying; "Be still, Pharaoh speaks!" Izidora hated it. He was always tense, always stressed during the day.

You could tell the guy needed a break, which Izidora would offer from time to time which he would respond with a simple but serious, "No." His anger problems didn't get much better either. Infact, it grew. None of the less, Izidora would catch Rameses being quite bipolar, as of one minute they would be taking a beautiful walk in the gardens and the next minute he would be yelling at her for making a terrible but simple suggestion on a new sculpture.

Izidora couldn't get mad. Not because she loved him but because she understood the pain and stress he had weighing over him. He wanted to be better than his father he wanted to surpass him. He wanted to make Egypt more grand than his father could.

He would frantically yell and then call her idea "Immature, and not of a Gods royal status." She would never hear him talk like this before as he would always leave her alone by herself right after their disputes. Which he would then stop by her chambers in the middle of the night, apologizing to her, and planting soft butterfly kisses along her face and body.

Sometimes he would even go as far to bring several gifts and then make loveto her the same night as an apology. At first it would work on Izidora as of the next day she would wake up with a bright smile even if Rameses was not there in her bed. But then she grew tired of it, that tiredness turned into irritation and that irritation turned into anger.

She hated the feeling it gave her when she would wake up to Rameses not being there, only to find him back in bed with Allani. She hated the feeling she got when Rameses would pop up at her door or wait for her in her room with apology gifts, apology kisses, and apology sex. That anger and sadness built up for years...turned her numb to the feeling.

It had become a toxic relationship, the same thing over and over and over again for years on end. He was no longer the man she once knew. When he would yell at her, her facial expression would stay the same, a serious yet emotionless look. She kept this look every time when she was with him. Not one smile. She even kept this expression subconsciously during the day and night. During work and during night parties.

Her voice was not the same happy pitchy voice she usually had. it had gotten quite and low. her movements were slow, her eyes barely seemed to be open from the exhaustion Rameses would bring her. Her eating schedule was not even the same anymore as she slowly began to lose her angelic like figure.

She was depressed and Rameses had noticed when it was too late.

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