Chapter Sixteen: "An Extraordinary Woman"

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The fear of losing someone you love

Rameses had managed to escape his father and sneak away. He looked everywhere for Izidora but could not find her. He was about to give up when he was crossing the palace gardens and had seen the back of Izidora, at the pond. A sigh of relief escaped him. "You know, I didn't think you'd be out here." Rameses said walking towards her

Izidora stood up and was about to walk away but Rameses grabbed her hand. "Please...stay..." he said softly. "I ruined your banquet." She replied as tears threatened to fall down her face. "Not really, I think it was boring before you showed up. I had a great time dancing with you." He replied back. "I'm talking about when I fell in front of everyone." Rameses didn't know what to say at first and began to go into a thinking posture.

"What are you thinking about?" Izidora asked. "I'm trying to figure how you come up with these silly thoughts in your head." He joked as he chuckled and picked up the black cat that was purring against his leg. "What?" Izidora asked confused. "Izi you didn't ruin the banquet, actually you made it more exciting. Those people don't know what they are talking about." He spoke back as Izidora reached down to pick up the Bangal cat that meowed to be picked up.

They walked for a little while until Rameses spoke up. "Izi can I talk to you about something?" He asked. Izidora could tell he was a bit nervous. "Yes you can." She replied.

" For the past seven to eight years that I have known you, you have been nothing but a bundle of joy for me. I look at you everyday and wonder "why, can't I think straight around you?" I've always wanted to be strong for you, to be that boulder, that rock that you need when your feeling low. That person to be there for you when your nights are cold and your days are lonely. That person to bring a smile to your face, every single day." He began to say as he placed the cat down and so did Izidora.

She blushed with shock as he grabbed her hand and held them tightly. "You mean, so much to me, Izi. When I look at you, my whole day lights up and gets better. When I sleep at night, I can only think of you." He continued to say as he cupped her face. She looked up at him as they both blushed slightly. "Everything about you Izidora, is so perfect, there is no one else out there that is like you.. like the way your eyes, glisten in the moonlight like the ocean. The way your melanated skin shines when the suns rays hits you." He continued as he pointed out everything he loved about her.

"The way one minute your eyes are light brown and then change to a hazel in a split second, and how you think your laugh is ugly but it's so cute. How you help people that don't deserve your kindness, your loving and growing heart. The way you're so strong. Like something can knock you down one minute and then you bounce right back up.... You are perfect in every way shape and form, and I couldn't ask for nothing more in a woman." He confessed

Izidora couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Izidora? Please, say something." He spoke up again as she turned her head another way. "But how could you have feelings for someone like me, I- I am a Hebrew, a servant, I am not even on a Royal status level and bring nothing good to Egypt." She began to say as she stuttered.

"What about that other princess? She says you've been on several lovely dates, and she's even got your father to like her. Your father doesn't believe I could be fit enough to be by your side-" she continued to speak but was cut off by the feeling of warmth from Rameses lips and his warm embrace as his hands traced up her body to her face, as he then cupped it again, kissing her harder as he didn't want to forget this moment.

They slowly broke the kiss, a they panted for air. "Izi, I don't care for her. Only you. I only entertain her for my father. Nothing more." He stated as he kissed her hands. Causing Izidora's heart to flutter. "Do you... feel the same way? Even if your not ready, I will wait for you." He reassured her. Izidora didn't even notice but she responded so quickly with a "yes!" As she smiled.

Rameses smiled so big he laughed and picked her up with ease as he spun her around in the air. He brought into a hug while still lifting her as they kissed one more time. They didn't notice but Allani was eavesdropping nearby behind a bush. Her fists balled up with anger. She wasn't going to let a prissy little nobody get in her way of fulfilling her legacy. She smirked as an idea popped up in her head.

She walked into the banquet and made her way to Pharaoh Seti. She whispered in his ear if he idea as he nodded and smiled at the idea. Back with Rameses and Izidora, they talked for a bit more as Rameses then remembered he had to get back to the banquet. "I have to get back before my father comes looking for me. Wait here. And I'll come back." He assured her.

He ran back into the banquet. As he entered people began cheering and clapping. Rameses was confused as he hadn't done anything worth cheering for. He walked to his father asking why everyone was clapping. "We are getting married!" Allani shouted in pure excitement. "What!?" Rameses asked confused and shocked. "But father-" Rameses began to speak.

"Quiet Rameses, you need to grow up, you need to become married for becoming king." He spoke up. "You can't just choose who I marry! I didn't even agree! I've already chosen someone as my bride to be!" Rameses spoke up causing Allani to gasp. "And who may that be?" Seti spoke back. "Izidora." Rameses replied.

Queen Tuya smiled in happiness to Rameses decision but that smile faded once Seti replied, "No, you will go back to her and end whatever relationship there is between you two. Right now, and come back to here to be with your future bride." He spoke back.

Rameses couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to go along with this, but he was already pressured to do so, and what the king orders, it must proceed. Distraught and heartbroken Rameses walked outside to the palace gardens. He saw Izidora in the same spot petting the cats that were still with her. She had the biggest smile on her face and yet Rameses was going to be the one to take it away.

"Hey Rammy, you're back!" Izidora said running up to him, but he stepped back. A confused pained looked appeared on Izidora's face. "Rameses?" Izidora questioned as his body was shaking. "I- um..." he stuttered as he tried to contain his posture. He sighed in defeat. "I can't do it." He said to himself. "What are you talking about-" Izidora asked confused as Rameses kissed her suddenly as tears rolled down his face, kissing her harder as he didn't want to let go.

He held her as if she was going to disappear, breaking the kiss to catch his breath only to kiss her again. Izidora grabbed Rameses face. "Why are you crying?" She asked confused with a confused smile. He held her hands while she still held his face. "I like you Izidora, I do but.... I'm being forced into marriage... like now, as of tonight..." he explained.

Izidora's face changed to a distraught, heartbreaking look. Rameses was expecting Izidora to become angry with him or sad but was shocked to feel her soft, warm embrace. Rameses was taller than her practically six feet. Her head only managed to get to his chest but her warm embrace rushed through his entire body.

How could a women who has just been through so much and a heartbreak, hug the man that just told her they cannot be together? How could she comfort him after all of this? How could he deserve such a woman? These were the questions that were running through his mind.

The answer was, he had found himself an extraordinary woman.

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