Chapter Eight: "A dream For Moses"

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Moses's eyes shot open. Looking around wandering where he was and why he looked like one of the Hieroglyphics on the wall. He turned his head do see his father pointing in his direction as many guards followed orders and charged forward. Moses ran and hid into some trees as he watched the guards rush into the town of the Hebrews. Moses followed as he watched the woman cry.

The guards stepped over women as they barged into their houses and took their children leaving the women to cry with pain and suffering. That's when he saw his family as they ran and hid from the guards. Making their way to the river. Moses followed them as he watched Miriam place down a basket and his mother put him in it. He cried as he watched his mother cry. He turned around as the guards were headed his way. Moses began to run with fear as he then fell off a cliff and at the end were alligators ready to feast.

He could hear the cries of the babies that were thrown of the cliff as well. With that Moses eyes shot open. He gasped for air with fright as it was early in the morning and still dark as the sun had not risen, and he wanted to know if the dream was real. He lights up a torch for light as he ran through the halls that had hieroglyphics written along them. he followed of the direction of his dream as he then found his answer.

In horror he looked at the imagery on the wall... It was all true, from the image of his Pharaoh pointing the guards in the direction of the Hebrew town and to the point the babies being thrown off into the river with the gators. He dropped the torch on the ground as he lost his breath, realizing that his whole life was a lie as he fell to his knees. "The Hebrews grew too numerous." Pharoah said resting his hand on Moses's head. Once Moses felt Pharoah's hand on his head his breathing hitched and became heavy.

"They might have risen against it." Pharaoh said in his defense. "Tell me you didn't do this." Moses pleaded as he looked up at Pharaoh. "Moses, sometimes...for the great or good...sacrifices must be made." Pharaoh said trying to explain to him. Moses stood up catching his breath. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Sacrifices?" Moses questioned in disbelief. Moses frowned at those words. "Oh, my son...they were only slaves." Pharaoh spoke as he hugged Moses but when hearing those words, he backed away in shock as he ran away to his safe haven. The place where Tuya found Moses. He sat there. Thinking of his life. How this entire time he has been watching his people suffer and knowing he allowed it and thought it was alright.

The sun had risen now, as he sat on the steps thinking of how he never knew his true family and that this entire time he was living a lie. Pharaoh told Queen Tuya what happened and decided to talk to Moses, and she knew exactly where to find him. "Moses?" She asked, walking up to him as he sat on the step looking at the water with the swans. "Is this where you found me?" He asked with a bit of anger.

"Moses, please try to understand." She replied to him, hurt and sad with guilt. She knew Moses was not her birth child, but she loved him like as if he was. Pharaoh included. Moses took a moment and then turned around and said, "So everything I thought, everything I am, Is a lie." he spoke as he turned his attention back to the water. "No!" Tuya said as she lowered herself to him and hugged him. "You our son...and we love you." She spoke.

"Why did you choose me?" Moses asked asking up at her with sadness. "We didn't Moses, the Gods did." The Queen replied. after that Moses couldn't think of what to say as he hung his head low. Tuya sat on the step with him and began to sing to him to calm him down.

"This is your home, my son...

Here the river brought you and it's here the river meant...

To be your home...

Now you know the truth, love...

Now forget and be content...

When the Gods send you a blessing, you don't ask why it was sent."

His mother sang to him as she held his face gently. She smiled softly as they hugged each other as he knew she still loved him. They both cried with each other as it was the cold-hearted truth. Moses needed that as of later he decided to put it behind him and move forward. He was walking down the hallways of the palace looking for Izidora as he had about her loss of her mother and wish he was there at the time to comfort her.

Whilst walking the hallways he heard that familiar tune again. It wasn't humming, someone was singing it. He saw that Izidora was in the palace gardens picking flowers. He hid behind a bush as she continued to sing his mother's lullaby. Granted she had a beautiful voice, but he wanted to know how she knew that song. When she ended her song, she picked up a water lily in from the pond.

Moses emerged from behind the bush. "How do you know that song?" He asked shockingly. Izidora jumped with fear as she thought she was alone. She sighed in relief when she saw it was only Moses. "Moses, I thought you would be with your brother Rameses." Izidora asked. "No I... I was actually looking for you." Moses said. "Me?" Izidora asked standing up with the basket of flowers.

"Yeah to check up on how you were doing with your family's loss." He spoke picking up a white rose and placing it into the basket. "Oh yes, we will be fine, thank you Moses." Izidora replied walking past him and heading back into the palace. He followed after her and walked beside her. "So how do you know that song." Moses asked. At first Izidora was quiet. "I heard it in my dream, when I was a little girl." She responded.

"A dream?" Moses asked as she stopped walking and so did Izidora. "Yeah, it was a weird dream." Izidora said thinking to herself. "Tell me about this dream" He asked. And so, Izidora did. She told him everything while they walked into the palace and afterwards Moses went on a venting rant telling Izidora everything that just went down in a couple hours. "Woah...I don't know what to say. Moses I am so sorry." Izidora said as she placed his hand on his shoulder.

He softly smiled. "Thank you, Izidora."

"So, what will you do?" Izidora asked as they made their way outside of the palace to go to Rameses as he was planning with some other Egyptians about making new temples. Moses looked at his brother and smiled. "You know, they aren't my true family, but they love me and have raised me. I can't throw that away so easily." Moses spoke, smiling softly at Izidora as izidora apologetically smiled back.

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