Chapter Twelve : " He Made It To Heaven"

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the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Rameses and Emmanuel walked outside the dungeons. The hot sun hit their brown shiny skin. The guards followed them but Rameses put his hand up telling them to leave him and Emmanuel alone as he wanted to talk to Emmanuel about something important.

Rameses took Emmanuel to quieter place. Izidora's sanctuary. Her safe Haven. The palace gardens. They sat down for a moment on the ground, looking at the Water Lillie's on the Lilly pads. "You like my daughter don't you?" Emmanuel asked. Rameses was taken a back and surprised. "I- well, I mean-" he stuttered frantically. He was surprised to hear Emmanuel laughing.

" you know, I watched you grow up. I watched you and my daughter become so close." The man said shaking his head disbelief. "I couldn't believe it." He continued as Rameses looked at him surprised. " I began to talk with her mother about it and, her mother began to cry. Not sad tears but happy tears. She was so happy that Izidora was making friends and getting along." The man continued.

"Hell, I remember Izidora would come home, and tell us about her crazy adventures with you and your brother...." The old man went quiet and then said "I'm sorry about what happened... to your brother." He spoke up. "No please don't apologize, it was not your fault." Rameses said.

The old man chuckled. Rameses looked up at him confused. The old man looked at Rameses and smiled. "I'm just thinking about how I'm sitting here, having a peaceful conversation with an Egyptian. Never expected it." He said with a gentle smirk causing Rameses to chuckle as well.

The old man placed his hand on Rameses shoulder. Which Rameses thought he would never allow a Hebrew to do. " I'm getting old, I'm on the verge on dying in a matter of weeks. It will tear Izidora to pieces. You are all she will have left. Take care of her while I'm gone..." he said as he then removed his hand for Rameses shoulder and sat still like the water infront of them.

"I could give you a formal burial like your wife. I wouldn't mind-" Rameses said. "Nahhh..." Emmanuel said and then smiled. "I'm more of a water guy. "Take me to the water and place me there.... I want to be free with the fish that swim before us... and then when I take my last breath, I wish to be free in the sky like the birds that fly above us." He spoke. Rameses was inspired by Emmanuel's words.

They talked for hours about things Rameses thought he would never speak with a Hebrew except Izidora. She was just like her father, wise, open minded, kind, and quick minded. He admired ever word Emmanuel said. " Now I'm not saying you and Izidora are bound to be but... heh, you two would change history together." He spoke smiling and looking up. They sat quietly for a while. Peace.

" Listen son..." Emmanuel began to speak Rameses could feel in his heart that he was somehow honored that Izidora's father called him son. " Your going to face a lot in the future... not just as pharaoh and being king... but just in general. You have to remember that no matter what happens, have faith within your heart. Hold your head up high. And walk with love." Emmanuel said as he then pointed at Rameses heart.

Rameses had a surprised expression but in awe at the wise man. "How are you able to sit here and have a conversation with me Emmanuel, after what my family has done?" Rameses asked in confusion. Emmanuel didn't speak at first but then he smiled. "Son, people are going to think badly of you, your whole life....what will you do? Belittle them back? If so, then you are no different from them. You walk with pride, heart, and kindness....that's all you need to do." He replied.

That day, Rameses felt a new connection with Izidora and her family, he saw the difference between being a king, and ruling a dynasty, and being a king, and showing heart.
" My father doesn't want Izidora as my wife." Rameses said hoping for some advice. Emmanuel raised his eyebrow whilst looking at Rameses, then turned his head back to the pond infront of them.

"Well, I don't know much of how the royalty thing works around here, but I can say that when someone is made king, it is not just a make your own decisions, decisions for yourself, and decisions for you country. This you already know but, what you have forgotten is that you are young, you and Izidora are young. You both have time. There's no need to rush it." The old man said and began to laugh causing Rameses to jump a little.

"Like I did with her mother." The man said going quiet. It was quiet for another minute. "You know I see her..." Emmanuel said. Rameses looked at him confused. "I see her mother in her. They are just a like. Fighters with a good heart. Izidora may be alittle on the quieter side now but so was her mother at her age. But man, when she hit her twenties. She was a fireball. Always spoke her mind and when she walked, it would cause everyone to give their attention." Emmanuel explained.

"Your wife must've been a very kind and strong woman." Rameses spoke. "Yeah she was. But I believe that strength will go into our daughter... when Izidora comes out of those dungeons... she's gonna walk with her head held high, nothing will phase her." He replied back. Rameses smiled when he heard that. He always told himself he needed to be strong for Izidora but when he looked at it, Izidora would usually be the one to keep a leveled head unless something actually terrible happened.

Emmanuel stood. "Well, I need to get home, your majesty, sun is going down." He spoke politely. "Please, you don't have to use formalities with me." Rameses said. "Thank you, Rameses." Emmanuel said walking off. "I can have some guards walk you home." Rameses responded walking toward the man. "No thank you, I'll be okay, I'm old but not that old." He joked around causing Rameses to laugh with him.

They waved to each other as Emmanuel began to walk out the palace and on his way home. He approached the Hebrew town late at night. Tired. He wanted to sleep but before he would do that, he needed to pray for his Izidora. He walked to his home where he saw three men waiting by his house. They were Hebrew men, young men, maybe eighteen through twenty at best.

"Excuse me, children but an old man has to get into his home." Emmanuel said walking to his home when one male, takes Emmanuel's shirt and tossed him to the ground. "You're hanging out with those egyptians!" One boy said pointing at him. "You're a traitor!" The other boy said. "Now now fellas, let's do this the mature way..." The man in the middle said nonchalantly. "So old man, what were you doing up there with the rich ones?" The man continued to ask walking up towards Emmanuel and kneeling down to eye level.

"That's an old man's business." Emmanuel spat back. The man smirked and looked behind him at the other boys as they began to smirk. They began to beat Emmanuel with no mercy, no holding back. Emmanuel screamed and cried out for help as he could not get up sense one boy was holding him down. Everyone heard Emmanuel's cries but did not care as they believed he was a traitor as well...

They covered their children's ears and moved away from the windows as Emmanuel cried out in pain. He was left there in a pool of blood. Blood leaking from his nose and his head as they had pushed him up against the wall causing him to smash his head into it. His vision went blurry so much he believed he was seeing stars. The boys looked at the man grinning proudly at how they had done him.

He was beaten and bruised to the brim. His face was unrecognizable. How could three young boys do this to and old man? How were their hearts so hardened. They had sharp objects that they used to slice parts of Emanuel skin open which caused more bleeding and blood loss. The old man weeped and cried in pain as he then began to see a bright light.

He could see his wife on the other side, smiling at him. Her wings, bright white. Brighter than the snow. They shined so bright it was hard for Emmanuel to see. But he knew it was her, he could feel her presence. Before he knew it he was walking with her as more bright lights appeared within his view. He wobbled and limped while holding his wife's hand. The ground was no longer hard, it became so soft as if he was walking on a pillow or cloud.

He gasped the beauty of the place he had been waiting to be with his wife. There were 12 gates and each gate had and angel. The streets were filled with gold. The streets were so gold and transparent it was like gold glass. There wasn't any temple, there wasn't any need for the sun or the moon as God was the temple and the sun and the moon.

Emmanuel had made it to the holy ground. The holy place in the skies above. He had made it to heaven.

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