Chapter Twenty Nine: "The Plagues!"

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Moses went back to the palace one day, to talk sense into Rameses. He warned something was coming but Rameses would not listen. Disappointed, Moses left and the next days after came the second plague after the bloody river.

A woman came rushing into the palace, screaming and crying from what seemed to be frogs appearing out of the place lake. She ran past Hotep and Huy, crying to Izidora and Rameses. They went to the lake and Ofcourse the frogs were there and running all throughout the palace. Rameses was furious but Izidora thought the frogs were cute and convinced Rameses to help her pick them up and put them back in the water.

The second day Rameses decided not to listen was the day lice was discovered in Egyptians hair. Rameses was not affected as he was bald underneath his crown but some how Izidora stayed unaffected aswell. She didn't know why but figured maybe because she was Hebrew.

The third day came flies, which led to the fourth plague, the destruction of their livestock, their sheep, cows, food was being destroyed. Next came the boils. Egyptians were being covered in boils causing them itching and pain. Izidora was not effected but Rameses was but he pushed through. He would get mad when he'd find Huy and Hotep using ointments that wouldn't help. He'd get the guards up on their feet, as they struggled to stand.

Everything he went to the window, looking out at egypt and hearing the Egyptians cry, he'd see Moses standing there on another building, watching him in disappointment as the locusts came destroying everything they could. And one day Moses came for another visit. He stood in the palace throne room infront of Rameses and Izidora who was drawing again, trying to keep her mind straight.

"What do you want Moses? If your asking for their freedom you know the answer is no." Rameses simply stated, playing with Izidora's hair to keep him calm like usual. Rameses and Izidora's relationship has been rocky sense their argument... but Izidora is slowly tying to forgive. Izidora looked up and was happy to see Moses. For some reason she felt trapped by Rameses and just wanted to go back home.

She noticed Moses seemed sad and angry as he began to say " Once I called you brother
Once I thought the chance to make you laugh
Was all I ever wanted...." He began to say as it began to thunder and hail fire on Egypt. Izidora looked out the large window. She saw the thunder and fire raining down. It terrified her. "And even now I wish that God Had chose another, Serving as your foe on his behalf
Is the last thing that I wanted.." Moses took a few steps forward.

"This was my home All this pain and devastation How it tortures me inside..." Moses said as he then pointed at Izidora and said; "
All the innocent who suffer" while continuing to point at Rameses " From your stubbornness and pride"

He wanted Rameses to understand that he was not only hurting slaves he was hurting the love of his life, Izidora. Rameses looked at Izidora in disbelief that he was hurting her. Izidora was next to the window as the lightning struck the window. She rushed away to Rameses in fear as her held her tightly as if to protect her from her fear.

Rameses began to her angry with Moses more and more. He stood up with one hand still wrapped around Izidora's waist. He pointed at Moses in betrayal as he said "You who I called brother, Why must you call down another blow?" He asked in anger as lightning struck again. Rameses looked back at Moses as Moses pointed at Izidora as he spoke to Rameses "let my people go! Thus saith the lord!"

Rameses hugged Izidora tighter in a way that told Moses that he would never let the slaves or Izidora go. Once again Rameses sinked into his own mind. Who was Moses to come back and take everything from him? He worked so hard
To do what he was told and now Moses wants to take everything away from him, he won't allow it. Rameses snapped.

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