Run Away

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Clarkes pov:

I could feel that I was still in shock about what happened down at Mount Weather. The way I killed everyone in that mountain, watching all of them burn knowing I couldn't do anything to stop it. The way I had no choice but to kill Finn. I thought doing that would make me stronger, but it just made me weaker. Dreading the guilt between Mount Weather, and Finn was just too much. This could've been avoided if Lexa didn't leave me at Mount Weather. The memory of her betrayal flashes in my mind, causing chills to go down my spine and tears well up in my eyes. I blink out the tears as a stray one speeds down my cheek. I wipe it with my hand before it could reach my chin and head onward.

Its been about a month since I left Camp Jaha. A month since I've seen my friends. A month since I've seen my family. I continue walking straight in a misleading trail. Not knowing where I am, I find a tree and sit down laying my back against the rough bark. I breathe heavily, as I feel like I cant catch my breath. It may be because of the lack of food and water in my system. I try to catch my breath as my vision starts to become blurry as I pant. I try to fight it, but my heavy eyes start to beat me to it. I haven't rested in about 2 weeks. I continue panting as I try to blink back my vision, but my tremendously heavy eyes stopped me. I soon find the darkness filling my sight as my eyes flutter shut. I lay there, passed out, unconscious.
Ok I know this is really short but I had like barely any ideas for this part😭 but yea more coming!! Hope you enjoy this <3

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