Breaking the News

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Lexas pov:
It's been quite a while since we spoke to the guards, since Clarke left Polis.

She should be back by now.

I walk out the gate to look around Polis, no sight of her.

I soon feel this horrible feeling of worry in my stomach, I almost feel sick.

Don't freak out, maybe she just went back to TonDc.

I start heading towards TonDc and through the gate, ignoring anyone who tries to speak to me and head straight to the healers tent.

I flip the flap open, no sight of Clarke either.

The sickness in my stomach grows. I hear Octavia calling my name from outside but I ignore her.

What could've happened? Did she get taken? Azgeda? Is she lost?

Woken from my trance when Octavia puts her hand on my shoulder from behind. She must've walked in while I was thinking.

"You.. okay?" She asks with sympathy.

I go to answer her but am interrupted by Raven walking into the tent with her eyes hidden.

"Are they decent?" She asks. Octavia groans and rolls her eyes. She walks over to her and swats away her hands from her eyes. She notices my 'mood.'

"What's up..?" She asked concerned with sympathy. Octavia shrugs and they both look at me.

I hesitate. "Cl.. Clarkes.." I take a breath before finishing my sentence. "Clarkes missing."

The sickness in my stomach grows to the point where I could seriously throw up. I make my way to sit on the bed to make sure I don't.

Both their eyes widen slightly and they look at each other.

"What happened?" Octavia says walking over to the bed and sits next to me.

"I don't know she.. she went out for air then when I left Polis she never came back nor was she anywhere near Polis." I say, my hands starting to tremble.

Raven also walks over and pulls a stool and sits right in front of me. She leans on her arms that were rested on her thighs.

"We can search the woods?" Raven says shrugging and gesturing her hands.

"Woah woah bad idea Reyes.. Clarke got taken for being in the woods, we're not gonna send ourselves into the woods to get taken too? No offense." Octavia says looking at me making sure she didn't offend me.

I shake my head gently, my hands still trembling.

Octavia sighs quietly and gently but cautiously grabs my trembling hands.

"Hey.. we'll find her.. ok? Don't worry."

I give her a what I hope is reassuring smile and look at Raven.

She opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by Bellamy and Murphy walking into the tent.

Great, how do I tell Bellamy I let her best friend go missing? He already hates my guts.

"Where's Clarke?" He says confused but firm.

I hesitate. I give Octavias hands that were holding mine a small squeeze, hopefully signaling that I have no idea how to tell him.

She looks at me and signals me with her eyes she understands. She soon lets go and stands up and faces her brother.

"She's not here?" She asks.

This is going to go downhill quickly.

"No. Wasn't she with you Le- Commander?" He says with anger starting to build up in his voice, I could hear it.

"Well did you look around? Or are you lazy?"

Bellamy reacts in shock and scoffs at his sisters words.

"Yeah I did. Now let me talk to Lexa and stop answering me." He says and slightly pushes his sister to come closer to me.

"What happened to Clarke?!"

I hesitate again. Why can't I just spit it out?

"I.. I d.." I take a breath. Octavia and Raven look at me with sympathy.

"I don't know she.. she went out for air and when I came out.. she.." He cuts me off.

"You're saying you lost her? Great, thanks."

"Bellamy!" Raven says disappointed.

"No! Ok?! She has abandoned Clarke twice! Now she's missing, probably dead, and you expect me to what? Stay calm? No! I should've killed her when I had the chance!"

Tears well up in my eyes and I can tell Raven can see them.

"You know.. I wish you had died when our people took you. I should've told them the plan and got you all locked up so I could kill you myself! This is all your fault, I hope you die looking for her."

I couldn't help it anymore. I suddenly just burst into tears.

Ravens quick to get up from her stool and sit next to me to engulf me in a hug.

I don't know what got into me I just.. broke.

"I'm sorry." I mumble into Ravens chest between sobs. She shushes me in her arms and rocks me back and forth.

"Get out.. Get out Bellamy!!" Octavia shouts at her brother.

I hear a smack. She had slapped him in the face, again.

"Bellamy just leave." Murphy says.

I hear Bellamy scoff and storm out of the tent, then Octavia rush over to me.

I rise from Ravens chest slowly and look up at Octavia.

"We.. W.. We have.. to find her." I say, my voice shaky and breaking.

"We will.. don't worry we will." She says softly and pulls me into a hug.

I rest my head on her shoulder, burying my face into it.

"Well I think we all know the bitch who took her." Raven says.

I lift from Octavias hug and look at both of them in anger and confusion.


"Mhm. It's a matter of time before.."

Raven trails off but I know what she was going to say.

Before she gets killed.

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