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Lexas pov:
My eyes flutter open, squinting at the bright sunlight shining through the tent entrance. I look down at Clarke, still laying on my chest, but somehow shifted her body so that she's diagonal on the bed, so her feet are in the corner of the bed, her head still laying on my upper chest, where I am able to rest my chin on her head, and her arm wrapped around me, almost like a hug. I smile at how adorable she is, she looks so peaceful. I start twirling her hair with one of my hands, trying not to wake her up. I soon remember that we had planned to go back to Camp Jaha today. My body reacts in shock, a slight gasp escapes my mouth, I see Clarke flinch. Why did I do that?! I hesitate but decide to wake her. "Hey.. time to get up." I say softly as I rub her back. Clarke groans as she hugs me tighter. My stomach does flips. "Clarke, we have to leave for Camp Jaha, remember?" I tell her softly, trying not to be too loud. "Come on. We have to get up." I continue. "No." I hear Clarke mumble, she turns her head into my chest to block her eyes from the light. I can't help but smile, and even laugh a little. It was the cutest thing ever. I soon see Clarke rubbing her eyes, and then lifts up off my chest as she sits up straight. I sit up after her and help her hold her weak body up, I start to rub her back. "Good morning sleepy head." I say to Clarke playfully with a grin on my face. She rolls her eyes at me with a smile. "You ready to see your people again?" I ask trying to start conversation as Clarkes eyes adjust to the light. Clarke shrugs as she rubs her eyes once more. "It'll be fine, Clarke. I'll be with you the whole time, don't worry." I tell Clarke softly while looking at my lap, but still rubbing her back. I see her looking at me in the corner of my eye with slight sympathy. "Your worried, aren't you?" She asks me trying to hide a smile. I swear she can see right through me it's insane. "Shut up." I say while looking at her with a slight smile. We both laugh then start to get out of bed and head out.

We walk out of the tent and walk towards the gate. I see Indra and start to walk over to her. "Clarke and I are going to Skaikru's camp, she would like to see her people again." I say to Indra firmly. "Heda, I don't think they would be happy to see you, are you sure you'll be alright?" She replies firmly with worry. I nod at her with my commander face as Clarke observes. She nods and sends me two of our horses. "Open the gate!" I shout out to my warriors. I help Clarke onto her horse, then get on mine. We set off towards Skaikru's camp. I start to think about what Indra said, slightly worried about what may happen to me.

Clarkes pov:
We're on our way from TonDc to Camp Jaha. The place I bailed on after Mount Weather. I haven't seen any of my people in so long. What if they hate me for bailing? What if they're a threat to Lexa? I can't have her die, not right now. I look over at Lexa, who's is in her own world of thoughts. "How's it going in that head of yours?" I ask trying to make her, and myself feel better. She looks at me with a smile that causes a smile across my face. She's beautiful. She's perfect. And she's mine. I see that we're almost there. I start to get even more worried than before. I take deep breaths to try and calm myself down, I guess I was pretty loud considering the look on Lexas face. Lexa reaches out for my hand and grabs it, our horses weren't far apart so I guess it wasn't difficult. She gives me a reassuring smile signaling that i'll be fine, but will she?

We arrive at the camp as I read of the new sign on top. "Ark.. Arkadia?" I see Lexa look at me with confusion. We both look at each other, then to the gate. "Grounders!!" One of the guards shout. They all prepare their guns to shoot if we come any closer. "We're unarmed!!" I shout out to the guards, that still hold firmly in their position. I soon hear a recognizable voice coming from the camp. "Stand down! Let them through!" It was Octavia. I'm assuming she recognizes me by the look of relief and happiness on her face. The gate soon opens, letting us both in. I get off my horse and soon greeted with a tight hug from Octavia. She squeezes me slightly, I could feel she was very happy to see me. She soon pulls back and looks at me with a smile. "I'm so glad you're back, we were so worried!!" Octavia says as she pulls her hair behind her ear. "We?" I ask. Before Octavia could answer I see Raven and Bellamy running over to me, Raven shortly behind due to her leg. I'm then engulfed in a hug from Bellamy. "I missed you so much." I hear Bellamy whispers in my ear. We soon pull apart and look at each other in the eyes, grateful that we're both still alive. I see Raven next to me with a smile. I pull her into a warm, greeting hug. "I'm glad you're alive Clarke." She says to me. I pull back and smile with my hands on her shoulders. "You too." I say to Raven with a smile. I look over to Lexa, who is observing with care. I'm assuming nobody even noticed her considering the look on their faces when they look over to see what, or who i'm looking at. "Commander." Octavia says plainly. Raven stands there with confusion while I can see the anger on Bellamy's face increasing. "What the hell are you doing here?" Bellamy asks furiously. Before Lexa could answer anything Bellamy has a gun pointed straight at her head, with his finger ready to pull the trigger.
__________________________________rollercoaster of events :) this was kinda long hope you enjoyed 🤭

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