The Unwelcomed

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Octavias pov:
My eyes flutter open, the first thing I see is the beautiful brunette sound asleep next to me on the bed. Our legs interwined and our arms wrapped around each others bare waists. I look around the tent just to see a mess. The stuff that was on my desk still on the floor, our clothes all over the floor. I start to draw my finger up and down her back, like she had did to me last night on my waist, she smiles in her sleep and shifts her head closer to my chest. I smile as I draw stuff she would like on her back with my finger, like outer space or a rocket. "Nice art skills.." She mumbles from my chest. I smile at her and kiss her forehead. "Learned from the best." I say with a grin. "Oh I bet it isn't me then cause.. yikes.." She mumbles again. "Hey!" I say and lightly punch her back. She laughs and pulls away from my chest and we both look at each other in silence. She soon pulls me in and our lips touch. She tightens her grip around me as my hand tangled in her hair. We part and smile at each other. I start to get up and walk over to pick up my clothes. "Heading off already?" Raven says sitting up. "Still laying in bed?" I say sarcastically back at her as I slip on my pants. She rolls her eyes at me and smiles. I slip my shirt back on and go to sit back on the bed. I sit facing the side, looking at the wall. I hear Raven make her way towards me. She starts kissing my neck from behind, going from my chin down to my chest. I shut my eyes and tilt my head to give her more room as she continues. She soon puts her arm on my shoulder and pulls me down on the bed, laying on her stomach. I soon open my eyes and look at Raven, who's grinning at me as I had just fallen into her trap. "Oh come on!" I say when I realize. Raven laughs at me as I scoff at her and start to get up again. I pick up her clothes and toss them to her, accidentally hitting her in the face with them. I control myself to hold in my laughter as Raven takes the clothes off her face and raises her eyebrows at me. "Get dressed, we have to check on Lexa remember?" I say to her as she rolls her eyes. I look down at the floor and around the room. "Also.. clean this up, thanks!" I say and I rush out of the tent before she can throw a pillow at me.

I make my way over to the healers tent and open the flap and stop before the entrance when I see Lexa sound asleep. I look over at the blonde head who was also sound asleep, resting her head on her arms that were folded on the bed, softly snoring. I smile at how adorable they are then make my way over to Clarke. I lightly touch her back and rub it, trying to wake her up. She groans softly and puts her head more into her arms, blocking her eyes from the light. I smile once more, in my defense this was adorable. I bend down a bit to whisper in her ear. "Time to get up sleepy head.." I whisper into her ear. I stand up straight again as she starts to lift off her arms and rubs her eyes. Her eyes soon adjust to the light and she looks at me and grins. I look at her confused, she soon shakes her head at me with the grin still on her face then looks over at Lexa. What the hell was that about? Clarke moves the hair out of Lexas face gently with her finger, trying not to wake her up. She looks back at me and smiles. "How are you?" She asks softly. "Fine.. I don't know what happened last night I just.." I say low, grabbing the stool and pulling it over next to Clarke. She looks at me with sympathy. "What..?" I ask confused. "Listen.. it's only been a month since.." She hesitated to say the words 'Lincoln died' but she could see I knew what she was talking about as she continues. "It's ok how you reacted.. I'm sure Bellamy understands." She says softly. I freeze when I remember how I reacted to Bellamy. I mean a slap in the face was deserved. I nod at her and smile, as I hear the tent flap open, it was Raven. "Hey.. sorry I'm late." She says lowly as she quietly pulls over the other stool, noticing Lexas still asleep. "How is she?" She says looking over at Lexa. "She's been fine, hasn't complained just.. exhausted." Clarke says looking over at Lexa then back at us. "Yeah I could tell.. she nearly passed out last night sitting on the log." Raven says in a whisper. Clarke raises her eyebrows in shock then looks back over at Lexa, as she flinched in her sleep. I squint at her then look over at Raven who's already looking at me confused. Clarke holds Lexas hand and turns back around at us who are looking at Lexa confused. "Yeah.. I don't know either.. must be a dream or something." She says looking back and forth at us. She soon keeps a confused glare at Raven, I look over to see her admiring me. My eyes widen and my eyebrows raise in anger, signaling her to stop, as I look over at Clarke, who's grinning. She definitely knows. I look back over at Lexa who's eyes are fluttering open. Clarke notices and turns around to look at her girlfriend. She leans in closer and gives her a kiss on the forehead. "How are you feeling?" Raven asks softly. Lexa doesn't answer, instead she gives us a thumbs up from where her hand was laying on the bed. Clarke slightly laughs at her gesture and puts her hand on her cheek, stroking her cheek with her thumb. All of a sudden, gunshots fill the silence in the room.

We all jump at the sound. "Grounders don't have guns.." Raven says. All our eyes widen and we all rush out of the tent to see what was going on. We walk out to see two skaikru guards inside TonDc. "Nobody move! We're just here to take back our people!" One shouts. They spot us standing across the camp. They grin at us but before they could walk over, Lexa runs towards them with her sword and starts fighting the guards. "Lexa!!" Clarke shouts at her. She slides on her knees and slices both the guards legs, leaving them to fall over on to their backs. One guard passes out while the other grunts in pain. Lexa stands back up slowly but the guard grabs her ankles and pulls her back, leaving her to fall face forward onto the dirt, on top of her cut on her stomach that was still healing. I look over at Clarke who looks as she's about to collapse. I grab her arm but she still stares at the commotion in worry. Lexa kicks the guard in the head, then the face, knocking him out cold. Clarke, Raven and I run over to Lexa who's panting for breath and trying to hard to keep herself from wincing in pain. Clarke and I grab her arms and lift her up slowly as she shouts to her warriors. "Lock them up in Polis!!" She shouts at them. They nod as Clarke and I take her to the healers tent.

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