Freaking Out

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Lexas pov:
"Everyone! Listen up!" I shout to my warriors begging myself to not show any signs of weakness.

Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at me.

"We need to prepare for war, cause in two days.. Klark kom Skaikru, will be executed by her own mother..! Start your training!" I shout at them, proud of myself for not showing any weakness.

Two of my warriors mumble to each other and look at me annoyed.

"Ai na sen yu in. (I can hear you.)" I say low and plain, looking straight ahead then to the two.

They both freeze.

"Em laik ai lukot. (She is my friend.)" I say plainly.

They scoff and curse under their breath.

"Daun ste pleni! (that is enough!)" I start to get angry.

Some of the warriors eyes widen at my raised voice.

"Clarke is not a threat, we're going to save her wether you like it or not!" I say trying to keep my voice neutral as I continue.

"And if you dare to disobey me.." I pause and look over at the tree.

"Wamplei kom thauz kodon. (death by 1000 cuts.)" I say dark and scarily.

"Y- yes Heda." They stammer.

I sigh in relief and fear but try to keep it to myself.

I nod to Indra, hopefully signaling to take charge.

I see that I have succeeded as she nods and starts shouting to the warriors.

I soon feel this tight feeling in my chest. My heart starts to ache, my nerves start to take over me.

I look down at my hands that have started to tremble, and tears start to build up in my eyes.

I quickly turn around and slightly run to Octavia and Ravens tent wrapping my arms around my stomach where my stitches were, trying to calm myself down but it wasn't working.

I flip the flap open. My legs feel like they just stopped working, I try to move forward, but instead I pause in the middle of the tent.

Which I am welcomed by a worried Octavia and confused Raven.

Octavia notices the welled up tears in my eyes and my rapid breathing pretty quickly.

"Lexa? Woah woah woah hey.." Octavia grabs me and sits me down on the bed.

My chest tightens, almost like I can't breathe.

"What's up with you? Are you alright?" Raven says rushing over to my, almost hyperventilating body.

I'm unable to respond. I start to hyperventilate.

"Crap shes hyperventilating." Raven says, you could hear the worry in her voice.

"Yea I can see that..! God.. uh- hey, hey.." Octavia try's to get my attention but I refuse to turn my head to look at her, my body refuses to move at all.

She acts quick, she gets up and kneels down in front of me and looks me in the eyes.

"Sh- Should I get Nyko?" Raven says starting to get up, her hand still on my shoulder.

"Yea go, tell him.." She trails off as she sees me shaking my head.

"No..? Ok.." Raven says sitting back down.

"Lexa hey.. hey I need you to breathe for me, ok?" Octavia says grabbing my hands and giving them a small squeeze.

Raven rubs my back, her other hand in front of me, I assume it's just in case I fall over, for support, but it's not like I will.

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