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Clarkes pov: 

The past moments have been a blur. I feel my eyes start to flutter open. My vision still blurry, I could tell I wasn't in the woods anymore. Once I regain my vision, I could only see a slightly recognizable ceiling. I jump up out of fear, now sitting up straight I see a brunette awaken from her sleep and rush towards me. It was Lexa. What the hell am I doing here? How did I get here? Why am I with Lexa? Thoughts start wracking my brain, as I start to feel an excruciating pain in my head, that I couldn't hear Lexa repeatively asking if I was alright. Avoiding making eye contact with the women I almost fell in love with, but then betrayed me, I slide back down into the bed and lay facing towards the wall. "Clarke?" I hear Lexa ask with some sympathy. I don't respond, as I hear the flap open, Nyko entering. "She's awake." I hear Lexa tell Nyko almost with confusion in her voice. I hear Nyko walk over to me and grab my shoulder to try and turn me over, but I stay strongly facing the wall. I don't think I could see Lexas face right now. "Clarke.. you need to eat." I hear Lexa say with probably the most sympathy in her voice I've ever heard before, along with some worry. I hear Nyko leave the tent, assuming Lexa must have signaled him to leave. Leaving me and Lexa alone in the healers tent. 

A long silence goes by, but then I hear Lexa break the silence. "Clarke, I- I'm sorry." I hear Lexa say with more sympathy than ever. My back still facing Lexa, I start to feel guilt for some reason as I hear Lexa continue. "I didn't want to betray you, nor turn you into this." I hear Lexa sniffle and hear her voice start to slightly crack, I can tell she tried to hide it but failed miserably. "Please Clarke, if you don't eat, you could die, and I can't let that happen to you, because I love you and I-" I hear Lexa pause in shock of what she just said. She loves me?! I get chills down my spine. I hear a slight sob from Lexa which snapped me back into reality. I decide to finally turn around slowly this time so my head doesn't throb. I see Lexa turned around with her head in her hands. I start to feel bad and finally warm up to her. "Lexa.." I say softly, trying not to startle her. Her head lifts slowly in realization and turns around to me. I see her eyes a slight read from crying. My face reacts with sympathy and I knew Lexa could tell. "I- I- I'm sorry I don't- I don't know what I was thinking I-" I've never seen this part of Lexa before. Shes showing more emotion than ever before. She starts pacing in panic and her breath becomes shaky. I get up from the bed and grab her shoulder from the back of her, attempting to be comforting. I feel a deep breath come out of her system. I turn her around to face me, our eyes lock. I stare into her beautiful green eyes, Almost getting lost in them, I snap back to reality when I see tears well up in them. Lexa shuts her eyes, trying not to show me that I'm affecting her somehow. "Hey.. it's ok." I say while rubbing her arm and try to be comforting but I could tell Lexa wouldn't give in. "I forgive you.. it's ok, i'm not mad." I try to get her to open her eyes to look at me, but her eyes stay shut, along with her head dropped, looking at the floor. I raise her chin to lift her face to be leveled with mine. Her eyes still shut, avoiding eye contact with me. "Lexa.." I say with the most sympathy I can as I continue. "Lexa, please, I forgive you.. please just look at me." I say with tears welling up in my own eyes. I hesitate on what to say or do while looking at Lexas shut eyes and shaking hands. Soon I get an idea. I grab her shaking hands gently and pull them up so they're aligned with our waists. I look back up to her face, this time her head still up straight but eyes still shut. I let go of one of her hands and place my hand on her cheek. I lean in and press my lips against hers. My stomach does thousands of flips as I feel Lexa start to kiss back. We part for a mintue and both look at each other. I start to see tears building up in Lexas eyes as she trys to hold in her sobs but fails miserably. I pull her into a warm hug and soothingly rub her back as she crys into my chest. "It's ok, you're ok." I say to her softly and with sympathy. Lexa slowly pulls herself up from my chest and looks at me in the eyes. I can see we both get lost into each others eyes. I snap back to reality when I feel Lexas lips touch mines. I kiss back and get chills as I feel Lexa grab my waist. We part once again looking at each other.

"Now, you need to eat before you pass out on me again." Lexa says playfully looking at me with a smirk. I laugh at her statement knowing she cares for me the most. She leads me to the bed and sits me down. She grabs the tray of food and cup of water and sit next to me. I look at her with some sympathy. "What?" Lexa says in confusion to why I haven't started eating my food. "I love you too." I say to her with a smile, then turn to start eating my food. I see a smile grow on her face in the corner of my eye. She leans in and kisses my forehead as I chew my food. We look at each other and smile. She's so beautiful, she loves me, and I love her, nothing or nobody can ever tell me otherwise.

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