Gone but Never Forgotten

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Octavias pov:
What the hell?! Why did he say that? It was just a joke! Thoughts start racking my brain over and over again. Did I actually slap him? Does he hate me? No, I should hate him. I'm so angry and upset I just feel like beating the shit out of someone, which I know I can't do. I walk by my desk and push everything off of it with so much force I'm surprised nothing broke, then I slam the desk with my fist. I soon turn to my bed and start punching my pillow, over and over again. I haven't felt this angry since.. I can't even remember. I keep punching it continuously, and soon hear Raven enter my tent behind me. I don't even have to turn around and look at her to know she's looking at me with sympathy. I hear her walk towards me slowly as I continue to punch the pillow, harder every punch. "Octavia.." Raven says softly. She puts her hand on my shoulder and tries pulling me back, but I tug out of her grip and continue punching the pillow, a sob coming out between every punch. It's not long until Raven wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me back, away from the pillow and bed. "Let me go!!" I shout continuously as she holds her grip firm while I attempt to fight out of it. "No! Octavia we're here for you! Ok? Please just let us help!" She says, somewhat louder. I continue to fight out of her firm grip, I start to punch her right arm and sob even more. "O, it's ok! Stop fighting please.. it's ok.. you loved him.." Raven says, her voice becoming more soft after every word. I can't help but burst into more tears. I stop fighting and immediately collapse into my friends arms. "Hey.. hey hey hey.. it's ok.. you're ok." she says to me softly as my back slides down Ravens body and onto the floor, dragging her down with me. She lays her back against my desk while my head lays on her chest, her arms still wrapped around my waist. I put my head back, leaning on her chest as I sob uncontrollably. Raven puts her hand on the top of my head, right by my forehead so it's covering that whole part of my head, while her other hand is wrapped around my waist by my stomach, it lifts up and down while sobs shake through my body. She shushes me and rocks me back and forth soothingly as she repetitively tells me I'm ok, but it's not helping. I sob harder in her arms as I turn my head to my side, still laying on Ravens chest, facing away from the entrance in case anyone walks in they don't see my face. I can tell Raven doesn't know what to do but she stays with me as I still sob uncontrollably. She cares for me more than my own brother?

A while passes, we're still sitting on the floor, I'm still laying in Ravens arms, but I've somewhat calmed down now. Raven has both her arms wrapped around my waist, my shirt slightly lifted up, so I feel her smooth skin on my stomach. Her chin resting on the top of my head, she rubs wherever she can reach on my back, I feel her skin rubbing on my back, usually when my friends touch my bare back or any skin under my clothes really, its a bit awkward and kind of weird, but I don't seem to feel this way with Raven, it almost feels.. good? She starts using one finger and draws on my back with it. I smile at how childish she is. I shut my eyes and take a long, deep breath out. Raven pauses her doodling on my hip and looks over at me as I open my eyes. "Any better?" She says softly. I don't answer as I somehow get lost in her beautiful brown eyes. Its like they're glowing in the dim light of the tent. I snap to reality when I feel her full hand lay on my stomach. My stomach does a million flips as I hesitantly respond. "Uh.. yeah.." I say, hoping she didn't realize me getting lost in her eyes. She smiles in relief, and puts her left hand, that was laying by her side on my cheek. I freeze. How do I control myself? She's so beautiful all of a sudden? It seems she cares for me more than anyone, considering nobody else will come in. "O, you know you can always come to me, if you ever need it." She says softly with her hand still on my cheek, her thumb lightly stroking my skin, her other hand still on my bare stomach. I nod smiling. "I know.. thank you.." I say smiling, admiring her. She smiles back at me. We both seem to get lost in each others eyes as we sit in a silence. Raven snaps out of it and looks at me, whos still lost in her eyes. I'm snapped back into reality once I feel her lips on mine. She pulls back before I'm able to kiss back and looks at me in shock. "Oh my god I'm.. I'm sorry I didn't.." I cut her off as I take her cheek and press my lips against hers. I get major butterflies as she immediately kisses back. Her grip on my waist tightens, I pull away and I flip myself around, so I am facing her, almost on top of her. She kisses me again and rubs her hands up and down my back under my shirt. She parts for a second and manages to push me over, so now I am laying on the floor, and she's on top of me. She presses her lips against mine, then soon starts to go down my neck. I shut my eyes and let her take control. She soon presses her lips against mine once more. I pull back and look into her eyes. "What?" She asks, I guess my face was giving off a worried expression. "You sure nobody will walk in?" I ask softly, just praying she'll kiss me already. "Does it look like I'm sure?" Raven says with a grin. We both smile and laugh as I pull her in, our lips touch once more. We do feel the same. This is real.

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