Need to Know

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Lexas pov:
My eyes flutter open as they adjust to the light, I recognize the ceiling, the healers tent back at TonDc. I start to sit up but feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I can't help but groan in pain slightly. I catch my eye on Clarke and Octavia on the left of me, Octavias sitting on a chair with Clarke in her lap, laying back on her, sound asleep, Octavia with her head hanging back over the top of the chair, also sound asleep. I can't help but smile at how adorable they are. A sudden throbbing pain shoots through my head. I can't help but cry in pain, this hurts more than when I was being cut. Octavia and Clarke shoot up in alarm, budding their heads together, but that doesn't stop them from coming over to me. "Lexa what's wrong? Are you ok?" Clarke asks in worry, as her eyes get used to the light, while Octavia looks half asleep. "I'm fine.. I just.." I trail off as I grunt in more pain while trying to sit up straight. "Lexa you need to rest, lie down." Octavia says after rubbing her right eye. I sigh knowing that they're right and slowly lay back down, grunting slightly in pain. Octavia leaves the tent as Clarke hovers over me with care, she rubs my head and grabs my arm gently. "How are you feeling?" She says softly. "Like I got run over by a horse, but 5 times." I say over exaggerating and sarcastically, Clarke smiles as she realizes Im only joking. "I'm fine Clarke.. really." I say, ignoring the throbbing pain in my head and stomach.

Octavia comes back into the tent with Nyko. "Heda, how are you feeling?" He says while coming over to check my wounds. "Fine.." I go to continue but am interrupted by the throbbing pain in my head once again. I grunt in pain as Clarke, Octavia and Nyko look at me with sympathy. I grab my head with my right arm but that only makes matters worse, the cut bends and gives me more pain. I try to shake it off and put my arm back down and lay my head back more, but everyone was able to tell I was not fine. "You have throbbing pain in your head, don't you." Octavia says looking at the floor. Clarke looks at her confused, just as I do. Octavia soon looks up and looks at Clarke and I. "Lexa.." She says as she walks over to my bed and sits on the far end. "Do you remember being hit on the head by anyone?" She continues. I freeze. I don't remember anything. "N- no.. I.. I don't.. remember anything." I say confused looking over at Clarke making sure she was ok. "Do you remember being cut?" She asks. "Octavia that's en-" "Shh" Octavia cuts Nyko off. I look down at my stomach wound, Octavia seems to follow my eyes. "You seem to care a lot about this one, does it hurt?" She asks. I freeze once again. "Lexa.. what do you remember?" Octavia asks with sympathy. I see Nyko and Clarkes eyes light up as they realize what she's doing. She's trying to get me to talk. I stutter but tend to blurt out a few words that just sounded like gibberish. Octavia looks back at Clarke who is biting her nails and slightly pacing. "Clarke." she says softly. Clarke stops pacing and looks at the floor. Octavia sighs and looks back at me. What do I say? I don't know if I want to say anything.

A silence goes by, I try to avoid eye contact with anyone. Clarke soon approaches my bed and sits in front of Octavia. She looks back at Octavia and Nyko and signals them to leave. They both nod and exit the tent. Clarke and I watch them exit the tent, Clarke looks back at me. I avoid eye contact until Clarke pulls my head up gently from my chin. She leans in and presses her lips against mine. My stomach aches, she must've been so worried. I kiss back and after a minute we part. I start to calm down as Clarke smiles at me. She's so precious. She knows me more than anyone. She soon gets up and stands by the flap with it open. She signals Octavia and Nyko over back into the tent. I tense up again, I start to get nervous once more. Clarke notices and looks at me with sympathy as she begins to speak softly. "Lexa.. there's no need to be nervous. We just need to know, what exactly happened back there, behind the door?"
__________________________________ik my writing was shit in this but i'm running out of ideas😭 hope you enjoyed

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