In a Day

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Clarkes pov:

My eyes flutter open, they soon squint at the bright sunlight seeping through from the windows.

The door screeches open, causing my ears to ring again.

I grunt as I cover my ears and tightly shut my eyes.

"Hello Clarke." I hear my mothers voice come from in front of me.

I slowly open my eyes and give her the biggest death glare I could.

Lexa has been teaching me how to do the scariest death glare.

"What's the matter baby?" She reaches to stroke my cheek with the back of her hand but I swipe it away with my restrained hands.

I look over and see Kane standing beside her.

My eyes slightly widen, but go back to normal once I piece things together.

An inside man.

He slightly nods at me reassuringly, telling me that I have the right idea.

I turn to look back at my, heartless mother.

"The hells the matter with you?!" I snap, shocked at what I just let out.

My mouth seems to be running faster than my brain.

My mother stares at me in shock.

"What do you mean?"

She's trying to manipulate me.

"Cut the crap, you're planning on executing me, you're own daughter, tomorrow." I snap again, but this time I mean it.

"Well that's what I came to tell you about honey," She continues but I cut her off.

I scoff.

"What that you're gonna make it long and painful yeah I got that." I say sarcastically, slouching back down against the wall.

"No.. I was going to tell you that you're execution is called off.." She says, forcing a smile but really grinning.

Kane squints, I stammer.

"What..?" I say low, and confused.

"You're right, you're my daughter, I shouldn't be killing my own daughter." She says.

Her voice sounds sympathetic, but fake.

I raise an eyebrow and lift up my restrained arms.

"Great, so then let me go." I say glancing between her and Kane.

She stares at me and the handcuffs for a minute, then speaks.

"Fine, but you're not going back to TonDc." She says grabbing the keys from her pocket.

I squint in confusion. "Why not? If you're not gonna kill me I might as well leave, and go to some place safe." I say rubbing my sore wrists once they're free from the cuffs.

"Baby.. this place is safe.. trust me, please." She says crouching down to me again.

I cock my head and lift an eyebrow. I glance at Kane who's signaling me not to just knock her out while I have the chance.

"So then, what? You're just gonna keep me prisoner here?" I say shrugging sarcastically.

"You'll be aloud your own free will I suppose." She says looking at Kane.

"Great." I say standing up.

"May I?" I say pointing at the door.

"Oh, yes.." She says with a fake smile.

I squint and nod as I exit the room.

Kanes pov:
A lot just changed.

Abby and I walk out of the office, I stop her at the front of the door.

"We're not executing Clarke?" I ask.

"Not publicly.." She says with a grin.

I look at her confused, but inside I'm terrified for the words about to come out of her mouth.

"If she has her own free will, so will we.." She says with an evil grin.

"Woah woah woah wait.. we're killing her.. in here.. inside the Ark?" I ask trying to hide my worry.

She nods. "Preferably when she's asleep, that way she won't have to eh.. suffer."

Trying to hide the fear inside for Clarke, I nod.

She smiles then walks the other way.

My first thought immediately, find Clarke.

Clarkes pov:
That was all crap, right? I mean it had to be.

There's no way my mother called off my execution, you could see the grin on her face.

They think I don't know, but I do..

She's gonna kill me in normal civilization.

I walk to my room and burst through the doors.

A million thoughts wrack my brain, but once I hear quick footsteps coming towards me, I'm quick to turn around.

To my surprise, Kane is at the door.

"Kane, thank god," I exhale.

"..That was all crap, right?" I ask, fidgeting with my hands.

"You have to let me go.. please.." I plead, but trail off as Kanes expression looks.. off.

I squint and tak a step closer.

"Clarke.. you need to come with me, I have to tell them."


I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

My mouth shapes to speak but nothing comes out, I stammer.

"Come on." He says walking closer to me and taking my shoulder to lead me out of the room.

We reach engineering as Kane knocks on the door in a beat.

knock, knock knock, knock, knock

Soon the door opens with Monty behind it.

"Clarke? Thank god.." Kane cuts Monty off by shoving himself and I into the room.

"What's going on?" I hear Monty ask.

I look around the room with my eyes and notice that it's not just Monty and Kane.

Jasper, Wick, Harper.

"Inside man.." I mumble to myself in surprise.

"Abby 'called off' the execution." He says.

They all look at each other confused and scared as Kane continues.

"She's going to kill Clarke inside the Ark, tonight." He finishes.

Monty and Harpers eyes widen, Jaspers jaw drops and the screwdriver from Wicks hand drops.

They all look at me.

"We have to escape.." I say low, hiding the fear in my voice.

Why should I be afraid of my mother anyway? I don't know it's just there..

They nod. Monty speaks up.

"So what's the plan?"
__________________________________sorry i havent been able to write recently but i'm back!! (sorry this isn't as good as i'd hoped but i hope you enjoyed!)

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