Yu Gonplei ste Odon

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(This part is a flashback from when skaikru defeated Mount Weather!!)

Octavias pov:

We're all just outside Mount Weather, waiting for Bellamy to get the door open. I'm crouched behind a massive rock with Lincoln and Indra. Pike also crouched behind us. "Lets go over the plan while we wait." Pike whispers. I roll my eyes as he continues. "Your brother gets the door open, then what?" "We get inside and attack?" I say sarcastically. "So more violence.." Pike says. Lincoln turns around to him in shock. "These people are bleeding yours, extracting their bone marrow as we speak. You're seriously regretting fighting for them?" He says. Pike stays silent as Lincoln turns around and looks at me. He silently scoffs and rolls his eyes. I smile at him, and turn back around to watch the door. "This plan all relies on Bellamy, he will get it done." Indra states plainly. I nod in agreement. Bellamy will get it done. He's a Blake, a stubborn one, he'll get it done. "Alright then." Pike continues. "We would've had a better chance with the grounders, they betrayed us, now we only have a few on our team, we should've never made that alliance." I sigh, starting to get annoyed with him. "Clarke and a team went to take out the shooters, once that's done you wont have anything to worry about, what are you five?" I snap at him. My eyes widen and I realize what I said. Pikes eyebrows raise in shock, Its weird because its the only hair he has by his head, I find it gross, my face gives a disgusted look and I turn back around and look at the floor. "Sorry.." I say quietly. I get no response as I hear a metal screeching. The door. I see Bellamy running towards us, he signals the rest of the grounders and our people that we can go in. By the looks of it, the shooters are dead. I look at Lincoln, who nods at me. He turns around and shouts at the rest of them. "To war!!" He says. Everyone shouts and charges at the door, we follow along.

We reach level five where all the guards are located, as Clarke, Monty and Bellamy go to the presidents office. the war begins. Swords clanking and gun shots being shot. I slice a guards throat as another one charges at me from behind. I quickly turn around and see him raise his arm to hit me across the head with his pistol that was out of ammo, but I'm able to block him with my forearm and flip him on the floor on to his back, as I stab him in the chest with my sword. The fighting goes on and on, whoever we have left of the grounders slicing the guards to pieces with their swords, and skaikru shooting at them. Some citizens of the mountain try to fight us, but they're dead before they can throw their first punch. I'm soon greeted back to back with Jasper. I nod at him signaling a hello, he nods and smiles, then quickly turns to fight off the other guards that charge at us. We soon defeat the guards, and head to our stations. A while passes, maybe a few hours, we start to hear shouting from the citizens on level 5. I look to Lincoln and Indra confused. "Radiation." Pike says from behind us. I shut my eyes and sigh annoyed. God why did he have to be in our group? "If they're using our bone marrow to survive, we should be fine but.. what about you guys?" I look at Lincoln and Indra worried. "We'll sneak out the back. Come one Lincoln." Indra says. I nod and watch them make their way towards the exit when Pike pulls out his gun and aims it at Lincoln's head.

I freeze in shock. What the hell was he doing? "Lincoln's not going anywhere." He says as Lincoln turns around slowly and puts his hands up. "We need a grounder on our team." He adds plainly, still holding the gun to his head. "We've got me. Pike please.." I say worried. I nod to Indra signaling she can leave, she does as she is told and exits the mountain. "Fine.. i'll stay.. just put the gun down." Lincoln says. I can feel my jaw drop slightly as I see Pike grin. "Lincoln no.. if you stay, you'll die." I say with worry. He cocks his head at me and pulls my hair behind my ear. "It'll be ok." He says calmly. I start to see radiation burns on his face, he tries to hold back the pain. Tears start to well up in my eyes. He soon falls back on the floor from the radiation. "No.. no no no no.." I say softly holding back sobs. I hear Lincoln say something but it's lower than a whisper, I can't hear him. I slowly lean down toward him and put my ear to his mouth to hear him. "Kill.. K.. Kill.. me.." He says once again. I soon get chills all over my body and more tears start to come down my face. I shake my head at him as he starts to choke on his own blood. I hear Pike load his gun and I don't even have to look at him to know he's aiming it at Lincoln. Lincoln nods slowly at Pike, then looks back at me, he grabs my arm gently, it wasn't even a grab it was more of his fingertips touching my arm. I shake my head again, this time tears streaming down my face. "I'll be okay." He says, this time a bit louder where only I can hear him. "Octavia.." Pike says with no sympathy whatsoever. I look at him, angrily. "It'll end his suffering, please." He adds. I sigh, knowing he isn't wrong, I finally nod and look back at Lincoln. "I love you." I manage to blurt out with my voice breaking. Lincoln slightly smiles at me. I lean in and kiss him on the forehead, then look over and nod at Pike. "Yu gonplei ste odon." I say, my voice breaking. Soon enough, there was a bullet hole in Lincoln's chest. I couldn't help but burst out in tears. Sob after sob, I couldn't help myself. I lay my head on Lincoln's dead body, sobbing uncontrollably.

I soon hear footsteps coming from in front and behind me. It was Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, and Jasper. "Oh my god.." Jasper says softly in shock, as I'm still laying on Lincoln's body, sobbing. I soon feel Raven lift me slowly off of Lincoln's chest and wrap me in a warm hug, I sob in her arms, saturating her shirt with tears. She shushes me as I cry in her arms. "Grounders don't have the same.. bone marrow.." Bellamy says softly in shock. I hear Clarke sigh, her breath shaky. I don't hear the rest of the conversation as I'm sobbing in Ravens arms. She cradles me and rocks me slowly, back and forth, shushing me as I sob. The love of my life was dead, and there was nothing I could've done to stop it.
__________________________________So for the ppl confused this was a flashback to what happened at Mount Weather/How Lincoln died!! This happened a month ago in the story, not right after the last chapter!!

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