Taking Action

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Clarkes pov:
Octavia, Bellamy and Murphy barge into my room as Raven and I are talking, trying to make me feel better. "We.. well.. I have a plan." Octavia says grinning. I look at her confused as to why Bellamy and Murphy are here. A silence fills the room "Great, since you're not going to explain, I guess I will." Murphy says sarcastically, breaking the silence. "So, we're using me as a distraction, I'll be at the gate, I guess doing something that'll bring the guards over or.. whatever, then.. big hero Bellamy over here is gonna attract the guards by the door, over to the gate, leaving the area open, and then um.. that's where you guys come in and.. kick some ass and save the commander." This was actually a good plan. This could work! "When do we start?" I ask while standing up. "Around 11, the Ark now has a curfew that they all must be in their rooms by 10, that gives us an hour to get ready." Octavia says walking towards Raven and I. I look at her confused then look back at Raven. "Curfew?" "Yeah.. ever since Mount Weather, we're all ordered to be inside by 10, except for the guards in case of any threats." Raven says. "So then, how do we get out?" I ask confused, starting to doubt the plan. "Murphy knows a place around the Ark nobody knows, it leads outside." Octavia says reassuringly. "Alright then, looks like we're getting Lexa back tonight." Raven says with a smile while looking at me. Let's hope this plan works.

Octavias pov:
It's finally time, time to get Lexa back. I look at Murphy and nod, signaling him to go around and outside. He nods and exits the room, along with Bellamy. "So, how long do we wait? What if there's guards at the door?" Clarke asks looking at Raven and I. "Don't worry, I was trained by Indra. I can take them out." I say with a grin. "Killing them will leave evidence that something, or someone got in O, we can't.." I cut Raven off as she warns me about getting caught. "Relax Reyes, i'm not gonna kill them, just knock 'em out." I say as I stare at the floor, my grin growing. I see Raven and Clarke look at each other, looking scared of me. I look at them as they look at me and smile. Now we just have to wait for the cockroach to begin our plan.

A few moments later

Clarkes pov:
Bellamy soon comes back into the room, panting for breath. "The guards.. they.. they're gone." Bellamy manages to blurt out between pants. We all look at each other and nod. Octavia gives Bellamy a pat on the back before exiting right behind us, Bellamy soon catches his breath and follows. We reach the chancellor's office and just as Bellamy said, no guards. Bellamy walks towards the door and twists the door knob violently, it's locked. "Damn it." Bellamy says quietly. "Watch it." Raven says shoving Bellamy out of the way. She takes out a lock pick from her pocket and starts to pick the lock in the door. Octavia watching the halls, making sure nobody is coming towards us. "Any slower Raven." She says as she shifts her head from left to right making sure there's nobody watching us. "I'm trying grounder pounder." She says annoyed. Octavia rolls her eyes and keeps her sight on left side, it's closer to the Ark entrance, anybody could walk in. "Damn it! Almost had it." Raven says angrily. "Can you do it or not?" Bellamy asks worried. "Yeah I got it just.. watch the halls with your sister." Raven says pissed off. I'm too nervous to say anything, I'm in my own thoughts. What could they have done to her? What if she doesn't make it? What if shes not even in there? What if she's dead? I'm brought back into reality when I hear a voice coming from the halls. "Hey!" It was a guard. "Shit." Raven says quietly, so only Bellamy and I could hear, Octavia was too far away. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The guard says aiming a gun at Raven. I look back at Octavia who's already getting ready to charge at the guard. Not even a minute later, Octavia runs toward the guard, she turns him around so that she's behind him, the guards back against her front, choking him out. The guard soon passes out and Octavia throws him on the floor. Bellamy looks at her in shock. "What? Grounder pounder.. What did you think it meant?" Octavia says sarcastically with a grin. "Got it!" Raven says as she unlocks the door. We all run towards the door as it opens, we see Lexas passed out, bloody body sitting in the chair, surrounded in her black blood.

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