The Final War

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Nobody's pov: (third person)

It's been hours, and nobody could've came up with a plan at Arkadia.

Everyone was stuck. Until Monty had an idea.

"What about if Lexa sent her army to come attack? If the execution is public, they could disguise themselves as one of us and-"

"Attack before the first cut is made." Clarke finishes Monty's sentence.

They both look at the others in the room as the rest of them nod.

"So it's settled then." Monty says. He goes over to the radio to contact the group back in TonDC.


"Got it. Sounds like a plan. Over and out." Raven replies after listening to their plan.

Lexa and Octavia had an idea how to get everyone to agree to this, and they would get Clarke back, tonight.

"So, we'll gather an army and train them well enough to fight the modern technology at Arkadia." Octavia says looking between Lexa and Raven.

Murphy soon enters the tent and they all look at him.

"What did I do?.." He says confused.

"Is that little sneak hole from where we rescued Lexa still open?" Octavia asks.

"Yeah.. why?" He asks.

"We have a plan to get Clarke back." Raven stands up from the chair.

"Really?" Murphy furrows his eyebrows.

Octavia nods and smiles faintly.

The two tell Murphy the plan, as Lexa had walked out to start forming an army.

"You'll need to learn Skaikru's battle strategies and tactics. They have technology, where as we have combat, weapons, and battle tactics with the environment." Lexa says to the army. "Begin."

Octavia comes up behind her. "They're most likely gonna have those light saber looking things- as I like to call them, they have to learn how to dodge those things." She tells Lexa as she nods.

They only had a few hours to train, a few hours before the execution.


The last hours have past. It was time for the execution.

The crew back at Arkadia had lit a signal fire letting the army at TonDC know that they should start sneaking to the area where they'd sneak in.

The army began to hike toward the back of Arkadia quietly, as they could see the execution being set up.

All the grounders were disguised as a fellow Skaikru member. They had cloaks on and the hood that covered their facial view.

"Do you really think we'll get her back?" Lexa whispers to Octavia, who was next to her.

"Oh I know so." Octavia nods and smiles.

"What if Abby kills her before we get the chance to rescue her?" Lexa starts to overthink the whole plan.

"Lex, relax. Clarke is going to be fine, we are all going to be fine." Octavia reassured her and they turn their attention back to the trip.

They made it to the back of the camp and are greeted by Kane and Monty.

"You guys ready?" Kane asks Octavia and Lexa, they both nod.

It was time to get Clarke back.


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