They Know

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Lexas pov:
I swallow nervously. Do I tell them? I don't want to cause anymore trouble than I already have. "B- but.. I don't.. I don't understand.." I continue shutting my eyes. "How am I here.. what.." I trail of as my eyes open and widen. "What did you do?" I say sitting up quick ignoring the pain shooting through my stomach. "Lexa plea- I mean.. commander, please.. don't sit up so fast you'll get dizzy or even worse.. you'll injure your cut even more." Octavia says. I squint at her then look back at Clarke. "What. Did. You. Do." I pause in between each word, starting to get angry, but worry still in my body. "We got you out of that shit hole." I recognizable voice says from the entry of the tent. Clarke and Octavia turn their heads to see Murphy and Raven standing at the entrance of the tent. "Thanks for stealing my line asshole." Raven says hitting his stomach lightly with the back of her hand. He rolls his eyes and pulls over two stools from the little table and hands one to Raven. Raven raises her eyebrows, impressed with Murphys gesture and takes the stool and they both pull them over to be closer to my bed. I watch as Nyko leaves the tent, but that doesn't worry me right now. They must be in so much trouble. They helped me out? Abby's gonna kill me. "Lexa, please." Clarke says grabbing my hand. I have to tell them. I can't keep it from them.

I sigh trying to calm myself, my breath slightly shaky as well. I hesitate to tell them, but they all look at me with sympathy and patience. They truly care about me. "A skaikru guard attacked me, while we were by Bellamy's unconscious body." I say plainly. "I don't.. I don't remember much from there I'm.. I'm sorry.." I start to trail off and look at the wall, looking away from the four souls staring at me. Octavias face flushes, then she snaps out of it. She must still feel guilty about Bellamy. "Hey.. it's ok. We don't mean to pressure you just.. tell us what you remember." Octavia says grabbing my ankle closest to her in comfort. I look back at Octavia and smile slightly. "When I woke up I.. I was back at the chancellor's office." I say. Clarke leans in more closer to me, with concern. "I don't remember everything but.. I remember Abby walking in, asking me these.. questions that she didn't believe my answers to." I say, I can feel the trauma building up in my stomach. I normally never feel these kinds of things, yet again it might be from when the son of a bitch punched me in the gut on top of my deep cut. "I remember.. I remember her guard cutting my arms.." I say looking at my left arm, closest to Clarke. "Then.. she cuts my stomach, chest.. throat.." I trail off as tears build up in my eyes. I try to blink them back but it's no use, a stray one falls down my cheek. Clarke is quick to wipe it with her thumb and locks eyes with me. We stare at each other in silence for a couple of seconds. "If you two can not give each other heart eyes right now that would be great." Murphy says sarcastically. I look over and see Octavia snap back at him. "Can you just shut up for once?" She says annoyed. Raven, trying to hold in her laughter, agrees with what Octavia said. "She's got a good point." She says, still trying to hold in her laughter. Murphy rolls his eyes and looks at his hands. My face flushes, and so does Clarkes. "Please, continue Heda." Murphy says looking at his hands while gesturing them. I roll my eyes and attempt to continue, but I can't remember much after Abby cut my throat. "I remember my blood decorating the floor, then it's just a blur.. again." I say shrugging. They all look at me with sympathy. "I'm.. I'm sorry that's all I remember.." I say, afraid of how they'll react.

"Well, should we get our groove on and follow the grounder tradition then?" Murphy says standing up. We all look at him confused. "You know.. jus drein jus daun?" He says, also confused with our reactions. "You're an idiot." Raven says shaking her head. "Mhm.." He says sarcastically. "But its worth it." He adds. Octavia cocks her head at him. "I don't think that's a good idea, Mr. Murphy." She says while turning back to look at me, a grin on her face. Murphy's face soon looks filled with anger and he looks annoyed. "Quoting from Pike huh? Well I thought you hated him." He says. Octavia's head shoots up at his name, she stares blankly at the wall behind me. Raven looks at Octavia, it almost seems like she's afraid of what Octavia might do. Instead Octavia sighs, looking back at Murphy. "I was just saying.." She says with a soft voice, she sounds pretty upset. Raven cocks her head at Octavia, Octavia nods, signaling she's fine, as she continues, with her voice louder this time. "Don't you remember? That's not a thing anymore wise ass." She says, her voice filled with pain and anger, she seems really annoyed. "Jus nou drein jus daun." Clarke says looking at the floor and nodding. We all sit in silence for a minute, soon, Murphy speaks up. "Wait.. wasn't that Lincolns idea?" Octavia's eyes fill with pain and anger as Murphy continues. "We all know what happened to him, he's dead alright? He doesn't matter right now, nor does that stupid rule." He says. Octavia shoots up from her chair and yells at Murphy. "What the hell is your problem?!" She shouts at him with tears building up in her eyes. Murphy shrugs sarcastically. Octavia scoffs and storms out of the tent, her breath shaky as she tries to hold back sobs. "You're a fucking moron." Raven says shaking her head at him. "She needs to get over it." He says rolling his eyes, sitting back down. Clarke scoffs. "Its only been a month! Don't you know how grief works? It takes longer for some people." Clarke says annoyed, but almost disappointed. "Although Lincoln is no longer here, his idea still holds strong, jus nou drein jus daun, Is still a rule of our people." I say plainly. Murphy rolls his eyes and exits the tent. "Well um.. I'll leave you two alone then." Raven says with a grin. Clarke flushes as Raven exits the tent. I cock my head at her in confusion. "Who is Pike?" I ask, looking at my hand that was still in Clarkes. "He was the prisoners earth survival teacher, when they were going to be sent to the ground." Clarke continues. "He's also.. the reason Lincolns dead." I raise my head in shock, but my body soon becomes exhausted. My eyes become heavy, I feel weak. Clarke soon notices and helps me lie down as I fall asleep.

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