Behind the Door

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SLIGHT TW!! *for some* (knifes, blood, gore, etc)

Lexas pov:
Abby? She's the chancellor? Why am I being held hostage? She's gonna kill me. Thoughts rack through my brain as Abby and I stare at each other. "Don't be frightened, we're just going to.. ask you a couple of questions." She says with a smirk on her face. I still stay firm, trying not to show any signs of weakness, but I could tell some slipped out by the smirk on Abby's face growing. "Let's start off easy, why are you here?" She asks with the evil smirk still on her face. "I told you earlier, I came for Clarke, she asked me to come with her." I say to her plainly. Abby squints, her face straight now. She leans closer towards me, I try not to flinch or show any fear, but I know I failed miserably. Not even seconds later I feel Abby's cold hand slap against my face. "Bullshit. We know you just came here to destroy us." She says with anger. I slightly death glare her until she slaps me once more on the opposite cheek. "Next question, and tell the truth this time, why did you betray us at Mount Weather?" She says while pacing slowly across the room but not to far so I can see her. I hesitate but answer knowing that slaps aren't the only thing they'll do to me. "I did it to save my people, I didn't have a choice, I.." Abby interrupts me with anger. "That's just a bunch of more bullshit! You had a choice! Betray us, or help us!" She turns over to one of the guards and nods at him. He walks over towards me and pulls out a pocket knife. "Since you won't tell us the truth, we'll use your peoples way to get you to break." Abby says looking at the pocket knife. My eyes widen slightly as the guard reaches for my arm. He slices from my wrist up to my elbow crease. I bite my lip and shut my eyes tight trying not to wince in the pain. I feel the pressure of the knife leave my arm, I open my eyes and look over to see my left arm bleeding out. Drop after drop, it kept dripping, more and more each time. I look over at Abby and her evil grin. She nods at the guard and leans towards me once more. The guard walks over to my right arm and starts to cut, just like he did to my left arm. Abby asks me a question as the guard cuts, I wasn't listening, as I was controlling myself not to wince at the pain. Abby notices I'm not answering and slaps me across the face again. "I said how did you find, my daughter!!" She yells at me. My head starts to slightly throb. I look over at my arm that starts to bleed out. Abby grabs my chin and pulls it so I'm looking at her. "Answer the god damn question!" She tells once more. "One of my search party's found her.. sitting by a tree.. unconscious.. we- we took her in.. saved her life." My speech becomes lousy from the blood loss. Abby shakes her head in denial and anger. "Again, even more god damn lies! Your people abducted her, abused her, and brought her back as a way in." She says death staring me. The guard with the pocket knife comes towards me once more. He lifts my shirt and slices the knife across my stomach, just above my bellybutton. I grunt slightly in pain then look back at Abby. "I'm not lying! Ask your god damn daughter!" I say in anger and pain. I hope that didn't sound like an insult to the girl I love. Abby takes an aggressive breath and nods to the guard again. He walks over and slices my chest. I can't help but cry in pain. I see the grin on Abby's face grow every time I wince. The guard walks away and stands next to the other guards. I start panting, as Abby comes over to me and puts pressure on my cuts. I can't take it and shout in pain. In my defense this hurt like a bitch. Abby let's go of my arm and punches me in the stomach, making sure she hits the cut on my stomach. I grunt once more as the pain runs through my body. She soon walks over to the guard and snatched the pocket knife. She walks over to me and lifts my shirt once more and cuts. She cuts on top of the large cut the guard had made, but in the opposite direction. I shout in pain as she puts pressure onto the part of the cut where the two wounds intersect. She soon moves up to my chest and cuts. I watch as the dark blood drips from my arms and stomach. I shout in pain as Abby deeply cuts into my chest. After, she aims the knife at my throat. "Don't ever talk about my daughter like that you.. abusing.. crazy people!" She says angrily. She leaves a small, but slightly deep cut in my throat. My vision starts to become blurry. I try to fight it and stay awake, but my head starts to throb, I start to become dizzy. The darkness soon takes over my eyes, as my eyes flutter shut. I hear a faint voice. "We'll continue later tonight." It said. The door shuts and the room turns silent. I'm sitting on the chair, with bleeding arms, stomach, chest and neck. I've lost tons of blood, I don't think I'll make it.

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