Lexa Knows

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Lexas pov:
I'm sitting on a log by the campfire, staring blankly at the ashy wood.

The love of my life was taken, and probably gone forever.

Bellamy was right, this is my fault. I should've known better, I should've never even got involved with her.

Octavia spots me and cocks her head at me as she walks over.

"Hey.." She says softly, she stops in front of me.

My glare still stays toward the ground, I can see her muddy boots in front of me.

"Lexa..?" She says with sympathy.

I sigh and glance up at her.

She soon sighs as well and sits next to me.

"I'm sorry about.. Bellamy." She says softly, leaning on her arms that were rested on her thighs and looking at me.

My eyes still on the floor, I nod.

She sighs and puts her hand on my shoulder gently, like I'll fall apart if she puts too much weight on me.

"He's just.. upset.. he didn't mean all of that, you know that right? It's not your fault Lex.."

She gets cut off and trails off as a stray tear falls down my cheek without me knowing.

"Hey.." She rubs my back soothingly and leans forward to look at my face.

"We'll get her back." She says, this time more determined than sympathetic.

I faintly smile at her. I hear footsteps and look up to see Raven in front of her tent, signaling us to come over.

"Guys!" She shouts at us.

We both look at each other and get up and follow Raven into her and Octavias tent.

"Wick?" She says into the radio.

"Yeah, I'm still here." His static voice coming through the radio.

"Holy.. shit." Octavia says under her breath.

Raven looks at her with an excited smile.

"Raven, it's Kane.. we need a plan, now."

My eyes widen.

Now? Clarkes in danger.

"What's going on?" Bellamy asks worried.

I didn't even realize him and Murphy were here until he had spoke.

"Abby's planning an execution for Clarke.. in 2 days-"

A small gasp escapes from my mouth interrupting the others from listening.

They all look at me.

"Raven..? Raven are you there?" Kanes static voice comes from the radio.

I nod rapidly and look over at the radio.

"Raven?!" Wick says worried on the radio.

"Y- Yea.. i'm here." She replies calmly.

"Oh thank god.. Monty and I have a plan." Kane says.

My head jolts up. I need to hear this.

"Is Lexa with you?" Raven looks at me before she replies to Kanes question.

"Yeah.. just tell us what we need to do."

"Alright.. Lexa, you and a few other grounders sneak in during the execution, make yourselves look like one of us, then when the moments right, you attack." He says in a low voice.

I nod, forgetting the fact that he's on the radio and can't see my actions.

"Sounds good, Lexa agrees." Raven says into the radio.

Damn it Lexa.

"Alright, we'll check in every 3 hours, so Abby doesn't expect anything."

My body fills with anger at the sound of her name.


My eyes stare at the wall across from me, filled with anger.

"Sounds good. Over and out." Raven says then looks over at me with sympathy.

"This is all her fault." Bellamy says under his breath.

"Im sorry?" I say sarcastically but angry.

I'm so done putting up with his crap at this point.

He sees my hateful, somewhat death glare and flushes.


"Thought so."

He scoffs and turns around to go sit on the bed.

I roll my eyes and exit the tent, Raven not too far behind me.

"Hey.. no offense but.. what was that?" She says.

I can tell she actually means no offense, unlike someone.

I shrug in a loss for words.

I was like a petty teenager.

"I get it.." She lowers her voice.

"I'm tired of his bullshit too." She grins.

A smile flickers across my face, which hasn't happened in quite a while.

I soon turn around and call over a few of my best warriors.

Time to get ready.

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