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SMALL TW FOR SOME! (mention of blood, gore, needles?)

Clarkes pov:
We reach the healers tent, after basically dragging Lexa. She could barely walk. Once we enter Octavia and I immediately lay her on the bed she once was on before. Octavia calls over Nyko as Lexa slightly winces in pain. "What happened?!" Nyko exclaims in shock. Octavia looks over at me, who's too nervous to think or speak, she soon looks back at Nyko and explains for me. "Skaikru guards broke into TonDc, Lexa went to attack them but, one of them tripped her and she landed right in her cut." Octavia explains in a rush as Lexas breath becomes quicker, yet she winced even more in pain. Nyko slowly lifts up Lexas shirt to get a good look at the cut. Her area of her shirt where her cut was saturated in her dark blood. To our surprise, no more than three stitches had ripped off her cut, and one of them was stuck between where her two wounds intersect. "Holy crap.." I hear Raven mumble from afar. Lexa tries to control her wincing and groaning as best as she can but fails miserably. My eyes widen at the sight and so do Octavias. I keep my glare shifting back and forth from the wound to Lexas face. I see in the corner of my eye Nyko signaling Octavia and Raven that we need to leave. Octavia grabs my shoulder gently but I immediately tug from her grasp. Raven soon walks over to help Octavia take me out of the tent. I will not go willingly. Not without knowing the love of my life was going to be ok. "Clarke please.. Nyko needs us to leave, she'll be ok." Octavia says softly. I shake my head and move closer to the bed. Octavia gets slightly annoyed with me and grabs my shoulder once more, tighter this time. I struggle to fight out of her grip, as I elbow her in the face, causing her a bloody nose. I hear her quietly groan in pain as I try to get closer to Lexa to examine her wound but Nyko cuts me off. "I will extract the stitch from her wound, and stitch it back up, but you need to leave." He says calmly. I feel now both Raven and Octavias grasp on me as they pull me out of the tent.

We sit back where we were last night, by the unlit campfire. They both settle me down on a log and sit next to me. "Now stay put." Octavia says plainly getting up, and heading back to the healers tent, entering slowly. She soon comes back out with a wet, somewhat bloody rag, holding it on her nose. She sits across from us, not far. "She's not gonna stop.. is she..?" Raven says shaking her head. We both look at her confused. "Abby, she's just going to keep sending more guards until she gets us back." She continues. I sigh and put my head in my hands. My own mother is torturing me, as well as her own people. I hear Octavia get up and sit next to me, Raven wraps her arm around me in comfort while Octavia places her hand on my thigh lightly. I look up at Octavia with sympathy. "Sorry about that.." I say looking at the rag and back at her, which her nose started bleeding once more. "This? Oh it's fine.. nothing major." She says plainly to me. I smile at her and hear footsteps coming from in front of us. Bellamy and Murphy. Bellamy takes sight of his little sister hand her bloody nose and rushes toward her. He kneels down beside her and examines her nose. "I'm fine!" She says tugging her head away from him. Murphy looks down at me with sympathy. I look at him confused. He never cares for someone like this? He bends down toward me. "You alright?" He asks. I nod slowly, still confused. He nods then stands back up and pats my head like I'm some dog. "What should she lay on her back so you can give her belly rubs too?" Raven says sarcastically at him. I hear Octavia and Bellamy snicker at Ravens joke as I laugh under my breath. "Now Reyes.. that's just harsh." He says after he gasps and puts his hand to his heart like he's offended. Raven rolls her eyes at him as she looks over at me, who's looking at the floor smiling. "Is that a smile Im seeing there Princess?" She says in shock. I can hear Octavias head shift to look at me. She attempts to hold in her laughter as I groan at the nickname. Princess. Soon we all start laughing after one another. After a while, the laughter stops and we all fall silent. I see a grin grow across Murphys face, he has an idea. "Don't even think about it." Raven cuts Murphy off before he could speak. He scoffs at her. "What?" I murmur to Raven. "He wants to go see the guards get tortured at Polis." She says loudly so Murphy could hear his idea. "We're staying here. You can go if you want." Octavia says plainly to him. He rolls his eyes and gets comfortable where he's sitting. Octavias nose seemed to stop bleeding, but it looks irritated. "Does it hurt?" I ask her softly. She looks at me slightly confused, then realizes what I'm talking about. "Be honest." I add before she opens her mouth and lies to me that it doesn't. "Not much, just a bit of an ache but.. I can deal with it.. just relax." She says rubbing my thigh in comfort, ignoring her brothers presence. I smile slightly at her and turn my head back to the healers tent. My leg starts to shake as I get lost into my thoughts. What if she doesn't make it? She could die. That need- stitch.. looked deep, she was wincing while breathing, so.. it definitely is somewhere deep. There was tons of blood on her shirt. If the wound touched the grass, it could be infected. She can't die.. I need her.

"Clarke.. Clarke!" A voice keeps repeating my name, Ravens. She places her free hand on my leg to stop it from bouncing and looks at me. I nod, signaling I'm ok. I hear Bellamy's voice speak up, I whip my head around to see he's talking to his sister. "O, I'm.. I'm sorry about.." He gets interrupted by a loud cry in pain. Lexa. I get up and try to run towards the healers tent but Octavia and Raven pull me back down. "Clarke no! Nykos removing the stitch from her stomach and stitching her wound back up, if you go in and startle him, he could hurt her." Octavia says. "How do you know that?" Raven asks confused as we sit back down on the log. "Come on.. you really think it takes me so long just to grab a rag?" She says sarcastically. Raven still has the confused look on her face. Octavia sighs dramatically. "I asked dummy." She says, almost sounding childish. Raven sticks her tongue out at her as Octavia rolls her eyes. "They don't have anymore anesthesia, or anything to knock them out so.." Octavia gets cut off by another pained cry. "Yep.. I think that answers our question Pocahontas." Murphy says sarcastically. "Hey!" Raven kicks his leg form where she's sitting. "Quit stealing my nicknames for her and get your own!" She says annoyed. Octavia flushes as she looks back at the floor. I soon get back into my thoughts. Just please.. let her live.
__________________________________ik this chapter wasn't much my writing was crap but next chapter soon!

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