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Lexas pov:
I sit still in my throne as I listen to my people bicker about charging at Skairkru or not. I hear some reasonably good reasons and suggestions but my choice still hold as a strong no. "Heda, with all due respect, after the betrayal of Skaikru at the mountain, Klark kom Skairkru will send her people for revenge. We should be getting ready to fight!" One of my warriors tells me without breaking eye contact with the warrior he has been bickering with for a while. The mention of Clarkes name makes me squirm in my seat and sends a cold chill down my body. It's almost as if the guilt from last month at the mountain came back for more. "Heda I beg you, let us fight!" The warrior exclaims while taking out his sword and pushing it up through the air. I tilt my head up signaling the warrior that I can see his true loyalty, but he hesitantly puts the sword away. Both the warriors look at me for an answer. "We haven't had any threats from Skairkru since the mountain, it seems there will be no further threats from them, as well as to them." I state with my firm commander voice, not so sure of what i'm saying. I see the look of confusion on the warriors face as I continue. "We have search parties searching the woods for threats and guards at our entrances, we are well protected at the moment." I state with my voice still firm. I see the disappointment in the warriors face, but relief in the other. I nod to them both signaling them that they're both dismissed as I get up and follow them out of the tent.

I walk over to the healers tent and enter with ease. I see some sick warriors sitting on the beds. I catch Nykos eyes and signal him to come over to me as I stand by a slightly light headed looking warrior. "He lost a lot of blood, Heda." Nyko continues, "I just gave him a transfusion, he will be alright." He says and I could tell that he was finished. I look over at the boy and place the back of my hand on his forehead. "He's warm." I state firmly still looking at the boy, but with a slight bit of worry. "It's normal for the condition he's in. Don't worry Heda, he will be alright." Nyko tells me with slight sympathy in his voice. I look over to him and give a slight smile at him then look back over to the boy as Nyko leads him to lie down. "Heda!!" I hear Indra shout from outside the tent. I rush out of the tent and towards Indra. "They found someth- someone." Indra corrects herself. I feel my eyes widen. What if it's a threat? What would my warriors do? "Take me to them." I tell Indra as she nods and signals me to follow her.

We walk for a few minutes then meet the search party we sent into the woods. "So what is it?" I ask in confusion as I see nothing, or nobody around. One of the members points over to a tall tree. I see an arm peeking out on the left side of the trunk. It was a member of Skairkru, I could tell by the sleeve. "A spy?" One of the search party members asks me. I hesitate before I answer. "No.." I say and start creeping closer towards the tree, aware that it could be a threat, and I remind myself that i'm unarmed. I notice that the arm hasn't moved, nor have the fingers even twitched. I straighten up from my crouch position and start tiptoeing over to the tree. I look over to my surprise, I see Clarkes lifeless body laying passed out.
__________________________________This part was much longer i know😭 but what do you think will happen next?? :)

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