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Clarkes pov:
"Holy shit. What did they do to her?" Raven says still standing at the door frozen, as Octavia and I take off her restraints. "Reyes, Bell we could use your help here!" Octavia shouts as I look at her wounds. "They must've used her peoples way to get her to talk." Octavia says in shock. I check Lexas pulse, she's alive, but I don't know how long she's been unconscious. "Come on, we have to follow through with the plan, we take Lexa, get her through the back door and exit through the fence." Bellamy says while watching the halls. I nod as I start to lift her arm and put it over my shoulder, Octavia does the same. We hear footsteps running towards us. We freeze at the sound. We're screwed aren't we. Soon, Murphy peers through the door and runs in to help. Raven smacks his arm as I hear her sigh in relief. He ignores her and helps us lift Lexa up. We walk out of the door and start to head to the back of the Ark, where we can escape.

We reach the room and open the door. "Isn't this your room Murphy?" Bellamy asks sarcastically. It was a trashed up room with bad power, it was the part of the Ark that got damaged in the landing. Murphy rolls his eyes and opens a big vent that lead outside. "Through here, come on." He says in a hurry. Octavia and I slip through and manage to pull Lexas body through the vent, as Raven, Bellamy and Murphy follow behind. We make it outside and around to the fence. "Let's go, before we get caught." Murphy says rushing Raven who was tagging behind due to her injured leg. "Shut up asshole." Raven says jokingly as she catches up. We all climb over the fence and hurry out towards TonDc.

We make it to TonDc and yell out to open the gate. We enter and rush towards the healers tent, I try to ignore all the whispers and gasps coming from the warriors. "Heda.." They say. Octavia and I bring Lexa into the tent and meet Nyko and Indra as they both look at me in shock. "What happened?" Nyko asks as he checks Lexas pulse. I'm too panicked to think or speak so Octavia answers for me. "Abby took Lexa and tortured her, cut her to get her to talk." She says worried. "She stopped breathing." Nyko says panicked as he starts to press on Lexas chest and blow air into her mouth. This is all my fault. I made Lexa come. I should've protected her. I should've made her stay here, where she was safe. I hear a gasp come from Lexa as she starts breathing again. I sigh in relief and realize that Octavia has grabbed my arm in comfort. She gives me a reassuring smile as I turn to look back at Lexa. Nyko starts sterilizing his hands and starts to bandage her wounds. He looks at me with slight sympathy. "She'll be alright. If you hadn't brought her here sooner she wouldn't be. I have to bandage her wounds, she hasn't lost enough blood to need a transfusion which is good, then you can stay with her until she wakes up." He says while grabbing the bandages. I nod with a slight smile. Octavia wraps her arm around me in comfort and leans her head on my shoulder. I lay my head on top of hers as I watch Nyko bandage Lexas wound. Thank god she's going to be ok.

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