The Plan

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Clarkes pov:
We rush towards the chancellor's office, Raven shortly behind us due to her injury. We make it over to see two of the guards at the door. I walk towards the door as one of them blocks me from walking in. "This is a private matter, chancellor Abby does not want anyone else in here right now." The guard says. My eyes widen as I hear my mothers name. She's the chancellor now? What happened to Jaha? I turn around and see Octavias and Raven looking at me confused. I turn back around and try to get passed the guards but it's no use. "Get the hell out of my way!" I shout at them punching one of the guards stomach. Octavia and Raven pull me back by the arms, leaving me not able to escape their grasp. I soon calm down as they let go, I death stare the guards then walk away towards my old room, knowing Octavia and Raven are following behind me.

I barge into my old room with Octavia not too far behind me, Raven tagging along shuts the door behind her. I sit on my bed with my head in my hands. Octavia and Raven look at each other in doubt. They both come and sit on either side of me and attempt to be comforting. "My moms the chancellor? What the hell happened to Jaha? Why aren't we allowed in? Is she hurting Lexa? Is Lexa even in there?" Before I could say anything else Raven pulls me into a hug, since we're sideways, i'm laying my cheek on her chest and my head burried in her arm. I can't live without Lexa. I hear Octavia leave the room and Raven call out for her but it's no use. I lift my head up to look over at the shut door. "Where the hell is she going now?" Raven says annoyed to herself. We look at each other clueless to where Octavia could be going. She could get herself in trouble.

Octavias pov:
I march out of Clarkes room with a plan. We need a distraction, someone to lure the guards away from the door as we sneak in, and I know just the person for it. I walk into the cafeteria and towards the bar. "Murphy!" I call out to him sitting by the table. I walk over and sit next to him. "Oh hey grounder pounder." He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him and stare at him angrily. "Relax, just a joke. So, what do I owe this pleasure?" He says again, sarcastically. I hit him in the arm with the back of my hand. "Ouch." He says looking at his arm. "This is not the time to joke around right now. I- We need your help." I say plainly. "We?" He says surprised. I sigh annoyed. "Me, Clarke and Raven." I look around to see if anyone is looking or listening, and see Bellamy walking into the bar. My mouth slightly opens in shock, I can hear Murphy holding in his laughter. I roll my eyes at him and run over to Bellamy and hug him. He immediately hugs me back, soothingly rubbing my back. "I'm so sorry Bell.. I.." I trail off as I realize that this plan could now go wrong. Bellamy wants Lexa dead. He wouldn't go along with the plan! If he knows he'll try and stop it or tell the guards! "O?" Bellamy says in concern. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him. "Yeah?" "You alright?" Bellamy asks with a bit of sympathy. I nod and turn around to walk back to Murphy but Bellamy grabs my arm and pulls me back to face him. "Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier, with Lexa, I just.." He trails off and looks at the floor. "Aiming a gun at her was a bit.. much.. but, Clarke loves her and Lexa loves Clarke." I see Bellamy's eyes widen. "Bell? what's wrong..?" I ask grabbing his arm. He says nothing as I piece things together. "You love Clarke, don't you?" He looks at me signaling me to shut up. I smile and hug him once more. "So you're not against Lexa?" I ask, seeing if I'm able to trust him to tell him the plan. "No.. Clarke cares for her, I'm not gonna take that away from her." He says with a reassuring smile. "Ok so now I have lots to tell you so come with me and Murphy so I can tell you both." I say while leading him over to Murphy.

I tell my brother and Murphy how Lexa is kept in the chancellor's office. "So.. little rewind, the.. commander of 12 clans got tackled from behind, by a skaikru guard and got taken and is now being held hostage?" Murphy says looking at his cup of beer then looks up at me. I nod annoyed. "Hmph." He says sarcastically surprised. I look over at Bellamy then back at Murphy annoyed but also confused. Bellamy was as confused as I was. "Ok..? Well I think I have a plan to get her out of there." I say leaning closer to Bellamy and Murphy so the others don't hear us. "We use Murphy as a distraction. Bring him outside the gate, then Bellamy goes over to the guards, looking panicked, exaggerate that there's someone dangerous at the gate, the guards will run out and to the gate, Clarke, Raven and I will get into the room and get Lexa. Simple." I look at both Murphy and Bellamy who are looking at each other. "So i'm the distraction, per usual." Murphy says sarcastically. I tilt my head and sigh. "Sounds like a plan, I'm in." Bellamy says. I nod to him then look at Murphy. "Alright I'm in. I know a way out of here and around to the gate anyway so." He says plainly. I smile at them then signal them to follow me to Clarkes room. We could get Lexa back tonight.

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