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Clarkes pov:
I'm startled out of my sleep at the sound of shouting coming from Polis.

I look over at Lexa who was flinching in her sleep.

I had almost forgot I returned back to the tent with her after I had left her last night. I was exhausted.

She starts to flinch more and more and soon wakes up in fear.

"Hey.. you're ok." I say to her soothingly rubbing her hand that was placed in mine in small circles with my thumb.

"Clarke..?" She mumbles softly.

"I'm here."

Lexa sighs in relief and starts to get up slowly.

"We're going to question the Skaikru guards today.. right?" Lexa asks while getting up from the bed slowly.

I help her up and make sure she doesn't topple over.

"Yeah.. but you need to eat first, we were planning on sitting by the campfire..?"

Lexa smiles and nods as I help lead her outside the tent.

We soon make it over and see Octavia, Bellamy, Raven, and Murphy already sitting at the campfire making food.

"Welcome love birds number two!" Murphy says sarcastically with a grin.

"Join us."

I see Lexa also grin when she realizes what this is about.

Octavia and Raven.

"So you wanna say who's number one or..?" Raven says clueless.

"Oh yeah, of course." He adds.

"You and grounder pounder over here."

Octavia chokes on her food and Ravens eyes widen.

"What?" Octavia manages to blurt out, she started actually choking on her food.

Raven slaps her back and she manages to spit out the food stuck in her throat.

"Aww, girlfriend helping her girlfriend not die? How adorable!" Murphy says sarcastically in awe.

Raven flushes, Octavia rolls her eyes.

Bellamy, Lexa and I try to hold in our laughter as the tension grows.

"You wanna learn how to have quiet sex?"

"Oh yes teacher, please, demonstrate. Also for the record, thats all Octavia."

Octavia flushes and Raven and Murphy start bickering like two toddlers over which toy is there's.

Lexa, Bellamy and I are laughing while Octavia is trying to cut off the bickering between the two toddlers.


Octavia shouts loud enough for some of the grounders to turn around to look at what's going on.

We all fall silent.

Octavia awkwardly looks at the ground and turns to sit back on her log, Raven and Murphy do the same.

"Alright.. let's eat." Bellamy says before stuffing his mouth with meat.

The meal is silent. A few glances at each other but that was about it.

We all finish our food and sit in a silence.

"So.. Lexa and I are going to Polis today to speak with the guards that broke in, we may be there for most of the day.. so.."

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